I am assistant professor at UJF (Université Joseph-Fourier - Grenoble I) since september, 1st 2006. I am member of the IIHM team in the LIG lab.
My main research interests are:
I am member of AFIHM, Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine (French HCI Association). I have been a member of the AFIHM's board (secretary) from 2006 to 2009.
I have been a member of the program committee of theACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2011) held in Vancouver, Canada, in may 2011; the scientific committee of the 23rd French-speaking conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IHM'11) to be held in Nice, France, in october 2011; the scientific committee of the 22nd French-speaking conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IHM'10) held in Luxembourg, Luxembourg, in september 2010; the organizing committee of the 21th French-speaking conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IHM'09) held in Grenoble, France, in october 2009.
I have been reviewer for ACM CHI 2005, CHI 2006, CHI 2008, CHI 2009, CHI 2010, CHI 2011 (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems); ACM UIST 2006, UIST 2007, UIST 2008, UIST 2009, UIST 2010 (User Interface Software and Technology); AVI 2004, AVI 2006, AVI 2010 (Advanced Visual Interfaces); MobileHCI 2010 (International conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services); InfoVis 2009 (IEEE Information Visualization Conference); Interact 2007, Interact 2009; IHM 2005, IHM 2006, IHM 2007, IHM 2008, IHM 2009 (French Conference on Computer-Human Interaction); EIS 2007 (ICSC Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems); and DIS 2002 (Designing Interactive Systems).