ActiveTcl User Guide |
Tk >> Tk C Procedures
- Tk C Procedures
- Initialization
- Tk_CreateErrorHandler -
handle X protocol errors
- Tk_MainLoop - loop for events
until all windows are deleted
- Tk_MainWindow - functions for
querying main
- Tk_ParseArgv - process
command-line options
- Tk_SetAppName - Set the name
of an application for ``send'' commands
- Tk_StrictMotif - Return
value of tk_strictMotif variable
- Tk_InitStubs - initialize
the Tk stubs mechanism
- Tk_Init - add Tk to an
interpreter and make a new Tk application.
- Tk_Main - main program for
Tk-based applications
- Widget Implementation
- Tk_CoordsToWindow - Find
window containing a point
- Tk_GeometryRequest - specify
desired geometry or internal border for a window
- Tk_GetAnchorFromObj -
translate between strings and anchor positions
- Tk_GetScrollInfo - parse
arguments for scrolling commands
- Tk_GetUid - convert from string
to unique identifier
- Tk_MaintainGeometry -
maintain geometry of one window relative to another
- Tk_ManageGeometry - arrange
to handle geometry requests for a window
- Tk_MapWindow - map or unmap a
- Tk_MoveToplevelWindow -
Adjust the position of a top-level window
- Tk_Name - convert between names
and window tokens
- Tk_RestackWindow - Change a
window's position in the stacking order
- Tk_SetClass - set or retrieve
a window's class
- Tk_SetClassProcs -
register widget specific procedures
- Tk_SetGrid - control the grid
for interactive resizing
- Tk_SetWindowVisual - change
visual characteristics of window
- Tk_WindowId - retrieve
information from Tk's local data structure
- Events and Bindings
- Tk_CreateBindingTable -
invoke scripts in response to X events
- Tk_CreateEventHandler -
associate procedure callback with an X event
- Tk_Grab - manipulate grab state in
an application
- Tk_HandleEvent - invoke
event handlers for window system events
- Tk_QueueWindowEvent - Add a
window event to the Tcl event queue
- Tk_RestrictEvents - filter
and selectively delay X events
- Tk_SetCaretPos - set the
display caret location
- Resources and Options
- Tk_AddOption - Add an option
to the option database
- Tk_ConfigureWidget - process
configuration options for widgets
- Tk_ConfigureWindow - change
window configuration or attributes
- Tk_CreateWindow - create or
delete window
- Tk_FontId - accessor functions
- Tk_GetOption - retrieve an
option from the option database
- Tk_SetOptions - process
configuration options
- Images
- Tk_CreateImageType - define
new kind of image
- Tk_CreateItemType - define
new kind of canvas item
- Tk_CreatePhotoImageFormat -
define new file format for photo images
- Tk_DeleteImage - Destroy an
- Tk_FindPhoto - manipulate the
image data stored in a photo image.
- Tk_AllocBitmapFromObj -
maintain database of single-plane pixmaps
- Tk_ImageChanged - notify
widgets that image needs to be redrawn
- Tk_NameOfImage - Return name
of image.
- Canvas Widgets
- Tk_CanvasPs - utility
procedures for generating Postscript for canvases
- Tk_CanvasTkwin - utility
procedures for canvas type managers
- Tk_CanvasTextInfo -
additional information for managing text items in canvases
- Graphics Routines
- Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj - draw
borders with three-dimensional appearance
- Tk_DrawFocusHighlight - draw
the traversal highlight ring for a widget
- Tk_GetCapStyle - translate
between strings and cap styles
- Tk_GetColormap - allocate and
free colormaps
- Tk_AllocColorFromObj -
maintain database of colors
- Tk_AllocCursorFromObj -
maintain database of cursors
- Tk_GetDash - convert from
string to valid dash structure.
- Tk_AllocFontFromObj - maintain
database of fonts
- Tk_GetGC - maintain database of
read-only graphics contexts
- Tk_GetImage - use an image in
a widget
- Tk_GetJoinStyle - translate
between strings and join styles
- Tk_GetJustifyFromObj -
translate between strings and justification styles
- Tk_GetPixelsFromObj -
translate between strings and screen units
- Tk_GetPixmap - allocate and
free pixmaps
- Tk_GetReliefFromObj -
translate between strings and relief values
- Tk_GetRootCoords - Compute
root-window coordinates of window
- Tk_MeasureChars - routines
to measure and display simple single-line strings.
- Tk_ComputeTextLayout -
routines to measure and display single-font, multi-line, justified
- System-specific
- Tk_CreateClientMessageHandler
- associate procedure callback with ClientMessage type X
- Tk_CreateGenericHandler -
associate procedure callback with all X events
- Tk_FreeXId - make X resource
identifier available for reuse
- Tk_GetHINSTANCE - retrieve
the global application instance handle
- Tk_GetHWND - manage
interactione between the Windows handle and an X window
- Tk_GetVRootGeometry - Get
location and size of virtual root for window
- Tk_GetVisual - translate from
string to visual
- Tk_HWNDToWindow - Find
Tk's window information for a Windows window
- Tk_IdToWindow - Find Tk's
window information for an X window
- Tk_InternAtom - manage cache
of X atoms
- Selection and Clipboard
- Tk_ClipboardClear - Manage
the clipboard
- Tk_ClearSelection - Deselect
a selection
- Tk_CreateSelHandler -
arrange to handle requests for a selection
- Tk_GetSelection - retrieve
the contents of a selection
- Tk_OwnSelection - make a
window the owner of the primary selection
Copyright © 1989-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
Copyright © 1990-1994 The Regents of the University of California
Copyright © 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans
Copyright © 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
Copyright © 1993-1997 Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies
Copyright © 1994 The Australian National University
Copyright © 1994-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright © 1997-2000 Ajuba Solutions.
Copyright © 1997-2000 Scriptics Corporation.
Copyright © 1998 Mark Harrison.
Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation
Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corportation
Copyright © 1995-1997 Roger E. Critchlow Jr.