#!/bin/sh #\ exec wish "$0" "$@" ############################################################################## # file : introspact.tcl # content : run-time introspection of PAC agents # history : 2007-Oct-18 - [rb] inital version # 2007-Oct-22 - [rb] allow to reopen details on agent # [rb] allow reparent # 2007-Oct-23 - [rb] allow to change animation delay # 2007-Oct-24 - [rb] adapt size of canvas to its content # 2007-Nov-12 - [rb] switched to active value in details view # [rb] close details if object disappears # todo : - enable method call # - enable links in details view ############################################################################## # globals #################################################################### set underline [font create -underline true] # Code ####################################################################### # CodeP -- # # PAC agent to edit/eval code inherit CodeP Presentation method CodeP constructor {control klass method} { this inherited $control set this(window) [toplevel .w_${klass}_${method}] wm title $this(window) "${klass}::${method}" wm protocol $this(window) WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$this(control) dispose" text $this(window).c set args [gmlObject info arglist $klass $method] if {[llength $args] > 0} { $this(window).c insert end "method $klass $method \{ $args \} \{" } else { $this(window).c insert end "method $klass $method \{\} \{" } $this(window).c insert end [gmlObject info body $klass $method] $this(window).c insert end "\}" pack $this(window).c -side top -fill both -expand true pack [button $this(window).close -text "close" -command "$this(control) dispose"] -side right -padx 5 -pady 5 pack [button $this(window).eval -text "eval" -command "$objName eval"] -side right -pady 5 } method CodeP eval {} { # uplevel #0 [$this(window).c get 0.0 end] eval [$this(window).c get 0.0 end] } method CodeP destructor {} { destroy $this(window) } # Inspect #################################################################### # InspectP -- # # inpector is just a presentation, it uses the generic Control as controler inherit InspectP Presentation method InspectP constructor {control agent} { this inherited $control set this(window) [toplevel .w_$control] wm title $this(window) "$agent details" wm protocol $this(window) WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$this(control) dispose" # attributes pack [frame $this(window).attr] -side top -fill both pack [label $this(window).attr.label -text "attributes" -bg black -fg white -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2] -side top -fill x global $agent foreach name [array names $agent] { pack [frame $this(window).attr.a_$name] -side top -fill x pack [label $this(window).attr.a_$name.name -text "$name: " -anchor w -padx 2] -side left pack [label $this(window).attr.a_$name.value -textvariable ${agent}($name) -anchor e -padx 2] -side right } # methods pack [frame $this(window).meth] -side top -fill both pack [label $this(window).meth.label -text "methods" -bg black -fg white -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2] -side top -fill x set classes [gmlObject info classes $agent] foreach klass $classes { pack [frame $this(window).meth.h_$klass -bg grey -padx 2 -pady 2] -side top -fill x pack [label $this(window).meth.h_$klass.name -text "${klass}::" -bg grey -anchor w] -side left -fill x pack [label $this(window).meth.h_$klass.show -text "show" -bd 2 -relief raise] -side right bind $this(window).meth.h_$klass.show <1> "$objName show $klass show" frame $this(window).meth.c_$klass foreach {m c name a} [gmlObject info interface $klass] { pack [frame $this(window).meth.c_$klass.m_$name -padx 1] -side top -fill x pack [label $this(window).meth.c_$klass.m_$name.name -text "$name " -anchor nw -font underline -fg blue] -side left -fill y bind $this(window).meth.c_$klass.m_$name.name <1> "$objName show_code $klass $name" set args [gmlObject info args $klass $name] pack [label $this(window).meth.c_$klass.m_$name.value -text "$args" -fg #777 -anchor nw] -side right -fill x } } this show [lindex $classes 0] # delay pack [frame $this(window).delay] -side top -fill both pack [label $this(window).delay.label -text "delay" -bg black -fg white -anchor w -padx 2 -pady 2] -side top -fill x pack [checkbutton $this(window).delay.switch -command "$objName toggle $agent" -variable __delay(switch,$agent)] -side left -fill y pack [scale $this(window).delay.scale -orient horizontal -to 1000 -width 10 -variable __delay(delay,$agent)] -side left -fill y this toggle $agent } method InspectP toggle {agent} { global __delay if {$__delay(switch,$agent)} { $this(window).delay.scale configure -state active } else { $this(window).delay.scale configure -state disabled } } method InspectP show {klass {show "show"}} { if {$show == "show"} { pack $this(window).meth.c_$klass -side top -fill x -after $this(window).meth.h_$klass set show "hide" } else { pack forget $this(window).meth.c_$klass set show "show" } $this(window).meth.h_$klass.show configure -text $show bind $this(window).meth.h_$klass.show <1> "$objName show $klass $show" } method InspectP show_code {klass method} { set code_name code_${klass}_${method} if {[gmlObject info exists object $code_name]} { $code_name dispose } Control $code_name $this(control) "" [CodeP ${code_name}_pres $code_name $klass $method] } method InspectP destructor {} { destroy $this(window) } # Introspact ################################################################# # IntrospactA -- # # introspac functionnal core inherit IntrospactA Abstraction method IntrospactA constructor {control {agent ""}} { this inherited $control set this(agent) "" this attach $agent } method IntrospactA destructor {} { this detach } method IntrospactA attach {agent} { this detach set this(call_stack) {} set this(agent) $agent this wrap $this(agent) } method IntrospactA detach {} { this wrap $this(agent) remove set this(agent) "" } method IntrospactA wrap {agent {action add}} { if {$agent == ""} return # depth first traversal foreach child [$agent attribute children] { this wrap $child $action } # trace facets foreach facet {abstraction presentation} { this trace_facet [$agent attribute $facet] $action } this trace_facet $agent $action # trace parts (childrens, abstraction and presentation) global $agent foreach part {children abstraction presentation} { trace $action variable ${agent}($part) "write" "$objName manage_geometry" } } method IntrospactA trace_facet {facet action} { if {$facet != ""} { trace $action execution $facet "enter leave" "$objName manage_call_stack" } } method IntrospactA manage_geometry {args} { set agent $this(agent) this detach $this(control) display this attach $agent } method IntrospactA manage_call_stack {args} { set cmd [lindex $args 0] set op [lindex $args end] set target [lindex $cmd 0] set method [lindex $cmd 1] set margs [lrange $cmd 2 end] if {($target == $this(agent)) && ($method == "dispose") && ($op == "enter")} { $this(control) detach } # special cases switch $method { attribute { return } dispose { # close potential detailed view set inspect_name inspect_${target}_ if {[gmlObject info exists object $inspect_name]} { $inspect_name dispose } return } } # general cases switch $op { enter { set caller [lindex $this(call_stack) 0] set this(call_stack) [linsert $this(call_stack) 0 $target] $this(control) render_enter $caller $target $method $margs [llength $this(call_stack)] } leave { $this(control) render_leave [llength $this(call_stack)] set this(call_stack) [lrange $this(call_stack) 1 end] } default { error "unexpected op $op" } } } # IntrospactP -- # # introspact presentation inherit IntrospactP Presentation method IntrospactP constructor {control {agent ""}} { this inherited $control # window set this(window) [toplevel .w_$control] wm protocol $this(window) WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$control dispose" # pause/stop buttons pack [frame $this(window).pause] -side top -fill x pack [checkbutton $this(window).pause.c -text "pause" -variable __pause] -side left pack [button $this(window).pause.s -text ">" -command {incr __pause_signal}] -side right # canvas & scrollbars frame $this(window).f set this(canvas) [canvas $this(window).f.c] scrollbar $this(window).f.v -orient vertical -command "$this(canvas) yview" scrollbar $this(window).f.h -orient horizontal -command "$this(canvas) xview" $this(canvas) configure -yscrollcommand "$this(window).f.v set" \ -xscrollcommand "$this(window).f.h set" grid rowconfigure $this(window).f 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $this(window).f 0 -weight 1 grid $this(canvas) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky "nsew" grid $this(window).f.v -row 0 -column 1 -sticky "ns" grid $this(window).f.h -row 1 -column 0 -sticky "ew" pack $this(window).f -fill both -expand true -side bottom # attach to PAC agent this attach $agent } method IntrospactP destructor {} { destroy $this(window) } method IntrospactP attach {agent} { set this(agent) $agent wm title $this(window) "$this(control) $agent" this display } method IntrospactP detach {} { this attach "" } method IntrospactP display {} { $this(canvas) delete all this render $this(agent) set bbox [$this(canvas) bbox all] if {$bbox != ""} { set MARGIN 20 set left [expr [lindex $bbox 0]-$MARGIN] set top [expr [lindex $bbox 1]-$MARGIN] set right [expr [lindex $bbox 2]+$MARGIN] set bottom [expr [lindex $bbox 3]+$MARGIN] $this(canvas) configure -scrollregion "$left $top $right $bottom" } } method IntrospactP render {agent {level 0}} { if {$this(agent) == ""} return if {$level == 0} { set this(x) 0 } foreach child [$agent attribute children] { this render $child [expr $level+1] } this render_agent $agent $level } method IntrospactP render_agent {agent level} { set level_height 100 set agent_width 120 # position set bbox [$this(canvas) bbox child_$agent] if {$bbox != ""} { set x [center $bbox x] } else { set x $this(x) incr this(x) $agent_width } set y [expr $level * $level_height + 50] # abstraction, presentation foreach {facet dx dxt label} {abstraction -40 -2 A presentation 40 2 P} { set facet [$agent attribute $facet] if {$facet != ""} { set x0 [expr $x + $dx - 15] set x1 [expr $x0 + 30] set y0 [expr $y - 20] set y1 [expr $y0 + 20] $this(canvas) create oval $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -fill white -tags "$facet oval_$facet" $this(canvas) create text [expr $x + $dx + $dxt] [expr $y0 + 10] -text $label -tags "$facet text_$facet" this bind $facet } } # control set x0 [expr $x - 40] set x1 [expr $x + 40] set y0 [expr $y - 17] set y1 [expr $y + 15] set parent [$agent attribute parent] $this(canvas) create oval $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -fill white -tags "$agent child_$parent oval_$agent" $this(canvas) create text $x $y -text $agent -tags "$agent text_$agent" this bind $agent # links to the children foreach child [$this(canvas) find withtag child_$agent] { set cbbox [$this(canvas) coords $child] set clink [$this(canvas) create line $x $y [center $cbbox x] [center $cbbox y] -tags link_$agent] $this(canvas) lower $clink $agent $this(canvas) lower $clink $child } } method IntrospactP bind {agent} { $this(canvas) bind $agent "$this(canvas) itemconfigure oval_$agent -width 2" $this(canvas) bind $agent "$this(canvas) itemconfigure oval_$agent -width 1" $this(canvas) bind $agent <1> "$objName inspect $agent" } method IntrospactP inspect {agent} { set inspect_name inspect_${agent}_ if {[gmlObject info exists object $inspect_name]} { $inspect_name dispose } Control $inspect_name $this(control) "" [InspectP ${inspect_name}_pres $inspect_name $agent] } method IntrospactP render_enter {caller target method args depth} { set callerid [$this(canvas) find withtag oval_$caller] set targetid [$this(canvas) find withtag oval_$target] # render call set tbbox [$this(canvas) bbox $targetid] if {$tbbox == ""} return set xt [center $tbbox x] set yt [center $tbbox y] if {$callerid == $targetid} { set yc [expr $yt - 20] set xc $xt set coords [list $xt $yt [expr $xt-20] $yc [expr $xt+20] $yc $xt $yt] } else { if {$callerid != ""} { set cbbox [$this(canvas) bbox $callerid] set xc [center $cbbox x] set yc [center $cbbox y] } else { set xc [expr $xt + 40] set yc [expr $yt - 30] } if {$xc != $xt} { set coords [list $xc $yc $xc $yt $xt $yt] } else { set coords [list $xc $yc $xt $yt] } } $this(canvas) itemconfigure arrow -width 1 $this(canvas) create line $coords -arrow last -fill red -smooth 1 -tags "call_$depth arrow" -width 2 $this(canvas) create text [expr $xt+10] [expr $yt+10] -fill blue -text "$method $args" -tags call_text -anchor nw # delay global __pause if {$__pause} { tkwait variable __pause_signal } else { update idletask after [delay $target] } $this(canvas) delete call_text } method IntrospactP render_leave {depth} { $this(canvas) delete call_$depth } proc center {bbox {axe x}} { if {$axe == "x"} { return [expr ([lindex $bbox 0] + [lindex $bbox 2])/2.] } else { return [expr ([lindex $bbox 1] + [lindex $bbox 3])/2.] } } proc delay {agent} { # delay set for this agent global __delay if {[info exists __delay(switch,$agent)]} { if {$__delay(switch,$agent)} { return $__delay(delay,$agent) } } # delay not set: find containing agent delay global $agent if {[info exists ${agent}(parent)]} { set parent [$agent attribute parent] } else { set parent [$agent attribute control] } if {$parent == ""} { return 0 } else { return [delay $parent] } } # Introspact -- # # introspacter control inherit Introspact Control method Introspact constructor {{agent ""} {parent ""}} { IntrospactA ${objName}_abst $objName IntrospactP ${objName}_pres $objName this inherited $parent ${objName}_abst ${objName}_pres this attach $agent } method Introspact destructor {} { this inherited } method Introspact attach {agent} { this detach $this(presentation) attach $agent $this(abstraction) attach $agent } method Introspact detach {} { foreach child $this(children) { $child dispose } $this(presentation) detach $this(abstraction) detach } method Introspact display {} { $this(presentation) display } method Introspact render_enter {caller target method args depth} { $this(presentation) render_enter $caller $target $method $args $depth } method Introspact render_leave {depth} { $this(presentation) render_leave $depth }