11:20:52 From Rosetta Pagliuca : yes 11:20:57 From Youhana Mikhaiel : Does answering these questions now means that we are no more allowed to submit? Because I haven't submitted yet 11:22:21 From Rahoui Sara : me too i haven’t submitted yet :o 11:23:06 From marco.zanetti.12@studenti.unipd.it : Can we see how to properly do the logarithm scale? I found a solution but I don't think is the best one 11:23:31 From marco.zanetti.12@studenti.unipd.it : ok thanks 11:40:20 From Hadi Dayekh : It is not too slow thanks for the details 11:46:27 From pranjita To Renaud Blanch(privately) : Professor, I seek a recommendation - is using d3.js the best (and only) option for information visualization? Like do we have any alternative options like using python libraries for the same. Or some internet recommendations also mention Vue.js or chart.js as easier alternatives to understand than d3.js. I am new to the field of using JavaScript frameworks for visualization and my first course on data visualization just involved using python libraries for it (matplotlib, seaborn, folium and the like) So I ask your opinion about it. Because javascript is not very common usage language for me. But if it is obligatory and we wouldn't have the usability power as d3.js then I would learn it better. 11:57:51 From marco.zanetti.12@studenti.unipd.it : If the example get posted can we get some comments on the most "tricky" sections on the code? 11:57:58 From marco.zanetti.12@studenti.unipd.it : sometime is not as intuitive 12:05:21 From Junyi ZHONG : “user_id: +d.user_id,” can someone help to answer “+” means? i 12:05:42 From Milena Markovic : That's casting a string to number 12:07:07 From Junyi ZHONG : Thanks a lot 12:27:17 From marco.zanetti.12@studenti.unipd.it : yes it shed some light 12:27:53 From Catarina : yes, about how many people in the groups, so we can start to organize it :) 12:30:09 From Catarina : how many questions we should do for the next step? 12:30:14 From Rosetta Pagliuca : How many question should we formulate? 12:30:59 From Catarina : We should just do the questions or the mapping too? 12:34:13 From Youhana Mikhaiel : How the project's grade is distributed on these steps? 12:34:49 From marco.zanetti.12@studenti.unipd.it : Do we have to send mail containing questions and designs? 12:38:13 From pranjita To Renaud Blanch(privately) : Thanks a lot - it answers my question. So while I am free to use other libraries in another language but I will also learn d3 now 12:38:41 From Mariana Brejo : the assignements are always to be submited before class on friday?? It is not clear in the webpage 12:43:15 From Kseniya Shevchuk : please upload this video record somewhere 12:44:12 From Youhana Mikhaiel : Can you just please inform us with any major changes in the webpage with email? 12:46:38 From Iskander : Not everyone is on a good network 12:46:52 From Marian Aldescu : I won't be able to do that :( 12:47:17 From Yidong : i dont have a web cam on my desktop 12:47:38 From Junyi ZHONG : See you , thanks a lot 12:47:40 From irman faqrizal : see you thank you