Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble Équipe Ingénierie de l'Interaction Humain-Machine

Équipe Ingénierie de l'Interaction


contrat ANR, oct. 2014 - sept. 2018

Interaction with Spatial Augmented Reality

Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) consists of projecting directly in physical space information coming from the digital world. Beyond conventional display methods based on screens or planar projections, this approach opens new perspectives for future applications in areas as diverse as aircraft maintenance or scientific mediation. However, even though inherent problems of computer vision and computer graphics are being solved today, the problems related to interaction remain largely unexplored. The characteristics of the used medium challenge the traditional approaches, and new techniques must be explored. The ISAR project focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of these new interaction paradigms. The ISAR overall goal is to systematically explore the design space of interaction with SAR. Making SAR interactive is the unavoidable step towards the full adoption of SAR in various contexts including industrial and cultural contexts.


François Bérard, Céline Coutrix, Laurence Nigay, Michael Ortega


INRIA - Bordeaux