Amélie Rochet-Capellan's publications with EHCI [bibtex|json]
International refereed conference papers
GyroSuite: General-Purpose Interactions for Handheld Perspective Corrected Displays
In UIST 2020 - 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.
Louis, Troccaz, Rochet-Capellan, Bérard -
When High Fidelity Matters: AR and VR Improve the Learning of a 3D Object
In AVI 2020 -International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces.
Louis, Troccaz, Rochet-Capellan, Hoyek, Bérard
International refereed conference papers
Is it Real? Measuring the Effect of Resolution, Latency, Frame rate and Jitter on the Presence of Virtual Entities
In ISS ’19.
Louis, Troccaz, Rochet-Capellan, Bérard
International refereed journal articles
Adaptation to visual feedback delays on touchscreens with hand vision
In Experimental Brain Research 236(12).
Cattan, Perrier, Bérard, Gerber, Rochet-Capellan
International refereed conference papers
Does Practice Make Perfect? Learning to Deal with Latency in Direct-Touch Interaction
In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Cattan, Rochet-Capellan, Perrier, Bérard
International refereed conference papers
Effect of Touch Latency on Elementary vs. Bimanual Composite Tasks
In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces.
Cattan, Rochet-Capellan, Bérard
International refereed conference papers
The Transfer of Learning as HCI Similarity: Towards an Objective Assessment of the Sensory-Motor Basis of Naturalness
In Proceedings of the international conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI 2015).
Bérard, Rochet-Capellan -
Reducing Latency with a Continuous Prediction: Effects on Users' Performance in Direct-Touch Target Acquisitions
In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces.
Cattan, Rochet-Capellan, Perrier, Bérard -
A Predictive Approach for an End-to-End Touch-Latency Measurement
In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces.
Cattan, Rochet-Capellan, Bérard
International refereed conference papers
Measuring the Linear and Rotational User Precision in Touch Pointing
In ACM Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS).
Bérard, Rochet-Capellan