Juan Pablo Rosso Pirela
Ancien membre (Doctorant, sept. 2018)
Publications récentes [toutes]
Malleable Interactive Surfaces for Distant Mobile Tangible Interaction (2018)
Rosso Pirela -
Simulating an Extendable Tangible Slider for Eyes-Free One-Handed Interaction on Mobile Devices (2018)
In AVI '18 Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces.
Rosso Pirela, Coutrix, Jones, Nigay -
Curseur Tangible et Déformable sur Dispositifs Mobiles pour Interagir à une Main sans Regarder l’Écran / Deformable Tangible Slider for Eyes-Free One-Handed Thumb Interaction on Mobile Devices (2017)
In 29ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM 2017, Poitiers, France, ACM.
Rosso Pirela, Coutrix, Jones, Nigay
Emergeables, mai 2016
the concept of Emergeables – mobile surfaces that can deform or ‘morph’ to provide fully-actuated, tangible controls