@article{iihm-GCM+14a, title = {A need, no app: just do it! But do people support dynamic composition of interactive systems for fulfilling emergent needs?}, author = {Gabillon, Yoann and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Mandran, Nadine and Fiorino, Humbert}, year = {2014}, journal = {Romanian Journal of Human-Computer Interaction}, number = {3}, volume = {6}, publisher = {{RoCHI} ({ACM} {SIGCHI} Romania)}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/GCM+14a/}, type_publi = {irevcomlec}, type = {Revues internationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, }