@unpublished{iihm-MOI+12a, title = {A benchmark suite with virtualized reality models for supporting tracking evaluation and data set generation}, author = {Makita, Koji and Okuma, Takashi and Ishikawa, Tomoya and Nigay, Laurence and Kurata, Takeshi}, year = {2012}, pages = {32-35}, booktitle = {{TrakMark} 2012, The 3rd International Workshop on Benchmark Test Schemes for {AR/MR} Geometric Registration and Tracking Method , November 11th 2012, Tsukuba, Japan}, url = {http://ypcex.naist.jp/trakmark/workshop12/2012wsproc/index.html}, address = {Tsukuba, Japan}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/MOI+12a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2012/TrakMark2012.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, }