publications([{ "chapter": 5, "publisher": "ACM", "doi": "", "lang": "en", "uri": "", "title": "Evaluation of a context-aware voice interface for Ambient Assisted Living: qualitative user study vs. quantitative system evaluation", "bibtype": "article", "journal": "ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing", "year": 2015, "number": 2, "pages": "1-36", "volume": 7, "id": 722, "abbr": "VCP+15a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Michel", "last_name": "Vacher" }, "2": { "first_name": "Sybille", "last_name": "Caffiau" }, "3": { "first_name": "François", "last_name": "Portet" }, "4": { "first_name": "Brigitte", "last_name": "Meillon" }, "5": { "first_name": "Camille", "last_name": "Roux" }, "6": { "first_name": "Eléna", "last_name": "Elias" }, "7": { "first_name": "Benjamin", "last_name": "Lecouteux" }, "8": { "first_name": "Pedro", "last_name": "Chahuara" } }, "date": "2015-07-01", "type": "Revues internationales avec comité de lecture", "abstract": "This paper presents an experiment with seniors and people with visual impairment in a voice-controlled\r\nsmart home using the SWEET-HOME system. The experiment shows some weaknesses in automatic speech\r\nrecognition which must be addressed, as well as the need of better adaptation to the user and the environment.\r\nIndeed, users were disturbed by the rigid structure of the grammar and were eager to adapt it\r\nto their own preferences. Surprisingly, while no humanoid aspect was introduced in the system, the senior\r\nparticipants were inclined to embody the system. Despite these aspects to improve, the system has been\r\nfavourably assessed as diminishing most participant fears related to the loss of autonomy.", "type_publi": "irevcomlec" }]);