@article{iihm-DC23a, title = {Ordonnancement dans l'habitat intelligent}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Caffiau, Sybille}, year = {2023}, pages = {53-76}, journal = {Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle}, number = {1}, volume = {4}, publisher = {Association pour la diffusion de la recherche francophone en intelligence artificielle}, doi = {https://dx.doi.org/10.5802/roia.50}, url = {https://hal.science/hal-04520754}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DC23a/}, type_publi = {irevcomlec}, type = {Revues internationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-DCD+19a, title = {End User Development: Verifying Home Behavior}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Caffiau, Sybille and Dupuy-Chessa, Sophie and Ta, Huong and du Bousquet, Lydie}, year = {2019}, pages = {27-32}, booktitle = {Joint Proceedings {HCI} Engineering 2019 - Methods and Tools for Advanced Interactive Systems and Integration of Multiple Stakeholder Viewpoints co-located with 11th {ACM} {SIGCHI} Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems ({EICS} 2019)}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2503/paper1_4.pdf}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DCD+19a/}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @article{iihm-TDC17b, title = {{CCBL}: A Language for Better Supporting Context Centered Programming in the Smart Home}, author = {Terrier, Lena{\"{i}}c and Demeure, Alexandre and Caffiau, Sybille}, year = {2017}, pages = {1-18}, journal = {{PACMHCI}}, chapter = {13}, number = {1}, volume = {1}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3099584}, url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01534805/document}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/TDC17b/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2017/CCBLPACM.pdf}, type_publi = {irevcomlec}, type = {Revues internationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-TDC17a, title = {{CCBL}: A new language for End User Development in the Smart Homes}, author = {Terrier, Lena{\"{i}}c and Demeure, Alexandre and Caffiau, Sybille}, year = {2017}, pages = {82-87}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {IS}-{EUD} 2017}, url = {https://pure.tue.nl/ws/files/69763287/IS_EUD2017_extended_abstracts.pdf#page=83}, address = {Eindhoven, Netherlands}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/TDC17a/}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DCE+15a, title = {Building and using home automation systems: a field study}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Caffiau, Sybille and Elias, El{\'{e}}na and Roux, Camille}, year = {2015}, pages = {125-140}, booktitle = {Fifth International Symposium on End-User Development ({IS}-{EUD} 2015)}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-18425-8_9}, address = {Madrid, Espagne}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DCE+15a/}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-PMD+15a, title = {I++: Interactive Galleries for Promoting Interactive Curiosities in Web Designs}, author = {Pe{\~{n}}a-Arr{\'{a}}zola, Sergio and Masson, Dimitri and Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Laurillau, Yann}, year = {2015}, pages = {287-288}, booktitle = {Proceedings of British Human Computer Interaction conference}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2783446.2783614}, address = {Lincoln, United Kingdom}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/PMD+15a/}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CCD+14a, title = {Early Lessons from the Development of {SPOK}, an End-user Development Environment for Smart Homes}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Caffiau, Sybille and Demeure, Alexandre and Crowley, James}, year = {2014}, pages = {895-902}, booktitle = {Ubicomp'2014 adjunct Proceedings, {HomeSys} 2014}, publisher = {{ACM} publ.}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2638728.2641559}, address = {Seattle, {USA}}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CCD+14a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2014/SPOK-HomeSys2014-Ubicomp.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DCC14a, title = {Activity based End-User-Develoment for Smart Homes: Relevance and Challenges}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Caffiau, Sybille and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2014}, pages = {141-152}, booktitle = {10th international Conference on Intelligent Environments 2014 (Workshop {HyperCities})}, doi = {http://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-411-4-141}, address = {Shanghai, Chine}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DCC14a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2014/CoT-IE14-activity-demeure.pdf}, type_publi = {colloque}, type = {Autres conf{\'{e}}rences et colloques avec actes}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-CDC+14a, title = {{SPOK}, an End-User Development Environment for Smart Homes}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Demeure, Alexandre and Caffiau, Sybille and Courtois, Jean-Ren{\'{e}} and Flury, Thibaud and G{\'{e}}rard, C{\'{e}}dric and Lenoir, Camille and Petoukhov, Kouzma and Reignier, Patrick and Roux, Camille and Vega, Gender}, year = {2014}, pages = {1}, booktitle = {Ubimob 2014, demonstration}, url = {http://iihm.imag.fr/demos/appsgate/}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CDC+14a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2014/SPOK-Ubimob2014-final.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DLD+13a, title = {End-User-Development for Smart Homes: Relevance and Challenges}, author = {Dautriche, R{\'{e}}my and Lenoir, Camille and Demeure, Alexandre and G{\'{e}}rard, C{\'{e}}dric and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Reignier, Patrick}, year = {2013}, pages = {6}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop "{EUD} for Supporting Sustainability in Maker Communities", 4th International Symposium on End-user Development ({IS}-{EUD})}, address = {Eindhoven, Nederland}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DLD+13a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2013/ISEUD2013 EndUserDevelopment relevance and challenges for the smart home v finale_.pdf}, type_publi = {colloque}, type = {Autres conf{\'{e}}rences et colloques avec actes}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-LRC+13a, title = {Analyse et cr{\'{e}}ativit{\'{e}} pour la conception d'interaction avec l'habitat intelligent}, author = {Lenoir, Camille and Roux, Camille and Caffiau, Sybille and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Dautriche, R{\'{e}}my and Demeure, Alexandre and G{\'{e}}rard, C{\'{e}}dric}, year = {2013}, booktitle = {Poster, {IHM} 2013, Bordeaux}, note = {Poster {\`{a}} {IHM} 2013}, address = {Bordeaux, France}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/LRC+13a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2013/IHM13-poster_analyse-lenoir.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inbook{iihm-CCD+12c, title = {Interactive Systems and User-Centered Adaptation: The Plasticity of User Interfaces}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Demeure, Alexandre and Balme, Lionel}, year = {2012}, pages = {147-202}, booktitle = {Computer Science and Ambient Intelligence}, chapter = {9}, publisher = {Wiley-{ISTE}}, editor = {Ga{\"{e}}lle Calvary, Thierry Delot, Florence S{\`{e}}des and Jean-Yves Tigli}, doi = {http://doi.org/10.1002/9781118580974.ch9}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CCD+12c/}, type_publi = {chapitre}, type = {Chapitres d'ouvrages}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inbook{iihm-CCD+12b, title = {Syst{\`{e}}mes interactifs et adaptation centr{\'{e}}e utilisateur : la plasticit{\'{e}} des Interfaces Homme-Machine}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Demeure, Alexandre and Balme, Lionel}, year = {2012}, booktitle = {Informatique et Intelligence Ambiante}, chapter = {9}, publisher = {Hermes (Traite Informatique et Systemes d'Information, {IC2})}, editor = {C. Calvary, T. Delot, F. Sedes, J.-Y. Tigli}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CCD+12b/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2012/LivreAmi-Chap9-Plasticite-CoutazCalvary_.pdf}, type_publi = {chapitre}, type = {Chapitres d'ouvrages}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-MDC11b, title = {Examples Galleries Generated by Interactive Genetic Algorithms}, author = {Masson, Dimitri and Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2011}, pages = {61-71}, booktitle = {Procedings of the Second Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design ({DESIRE}'2011)}, publisher = {{ACM}}, note = {October 19-21, 2011, Eindhoven, the Netherlands}, url = {http://iihm.imag.fr/dmasson/publications/2011/Desire11-Masson-ExampleGallery.pdf}, address = {Eindhoven, the Netherlands}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/MDC11b/}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-MDC11a, title = {Inspirer, Explorer : Magellan, un Environnement Interactif Evolutionnaire pour la G{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}ration d'Exemples}, author = {Masson, Dimitri and Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2011}, pages = {1-10}, booktitle = {Actes de la 23{\`{e}}me conf{\'{e}}rence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine ({IHM}'2011)}, note = {Nice-Sophia Antipolis}, url = {http://iihm.imag.fr/dmasson/publications/2011/IHM11-Masson-InspirerExplorer.pdf}, address = {Sophia Antipolis, France}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/MDC11a/}, type_publi = {colcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DMC11a, title = {Graphs of models for exploring design spaces in the engineering of Human Computer Interaction}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Masson, Dimitri and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2011}, booktitle = {Proceeding of the 2nd {SEMAIS} workshop of the {IUI} 2011 conference}, publisher = {Springer {HCI}}, url = {http://iihm.imag.fr/dmasson/publications/2011/Semais11-Demeure-GraphOfModels.pdf}, address = {Palo Alto, {CA}}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DMC11a/}, type_publi = {colloque}, type = {Autres conf{\'{e}}rences et colloques avec actes}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-MDC10a, title = {Magellan, an evolutionary system to foster user interface design creativity}, author = {Masson, Dimitri and Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2010}, pages = {87-92}, booktitle = {{EICS} '10 Proceedings of the 2nd {ACM} {SIGCHI} symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems}, publisher = {{ACM} New York, {NY}, {USA}}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1822018.1822032}, url = {http://iihm.imag.fr/dmasson/publications/2010/EICS10_Masson_Magellan.pdf}, address = {Berlin, Germany}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/MDC10a/}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CFM+10b, title = {{DisQo} : A user needs analysis method for smart home}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Fontaine, Emeric and Mandran, Nadine and Demeure, Alexandre}, year = {2010}, pages = {615-618}, booktitle = {in Proceedings of {ACM} {NordiCHI} 2010 International Conference}, publisher = {{ACM}}, address = {Reykjavik, Iceland}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CFM+10b/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2010/nordichi2010-DisQo.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-CFM+10a, title = {About Composing Our Own Smart Home}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Fontaine, Emeric and Mandran, Nadine and Demeure, Alexandre}, year = {2010}, booktitle = {Workshop on End-User development for Services, in conjunction with {AVI2010}, Rome}, publisher = {{ACM} publ.}, note = {{EUD4Services} (End-User Development for Services) workshop, in Conjunction with {AVI} 2010, Rome, May 2010.}, address = {Rome, Italy}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CFM+10a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2010/EUD4Services_Coutaz_final.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DSC+08a, title = {The {4C} Reference Model for Distributed User Interfaces}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Sottet, Jean-Sebastien and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Ganneau, Vincent and Vanderdonckt, Jean}, year = {2008}, pages = {61-69}, booktitle = {Proc. of 4th International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems {ICAS} 2008}, note = {D. Greenwood, M. Grottke, H. Lutfiyya, M. Popescu (eds.), {IEEE} Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, Gosier}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DSC+08a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2008/Demeure-ICAS2008.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DCC08a, title = {{COMET}(s), A Software Architecture Style and an Interactors Toolkit for Plastic User Interfaces}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Coninx, Karin}, year = {2008}, pages = {225-237}, booktitle = {Design, Specification, and Verification}, note = {15th International Workshop, {DSV}-{IS} 2008, T.C.N. Graham \& P. Palanque (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5136, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Kingston, Canada, July 16-18}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DCC08a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2008/51360225.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DML+08a, title = {Design by Example of Graphical User Interfaces adapting to available screen size}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Meskens, Jan and Luyten, Kris and Coninx, Karin}, year = {2008}, pages = {1-6}, note = {In Proc. {CADUI} 2008, Albacete, Spain, June 11-13, 2008}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DML+08a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2008/MUI_Design_by_example_short.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-BDN+08a, title = {{MultiTouch} Menu ({MTM})}, author = {Bailly, Gilles and Demeure, Alexandre and Nigay, Laurence and Lecolinet, {\'{E}}ric}, year = {2008}, pages = {165-168}, booktitle = {Conf{\'{e}}rence {IHM} 2008, 20{\`{e}}me Conf{\'{e}}rence francophone sur l'interaction homme-machine, Metz 2-5 septembre 2008, {ACM} Press}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/BDN+08a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2008/MTM-FINAL.pdf}, type_publi = {colcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-DC08a, title = {Requirements and models for next generation {UI} languages}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2008}, booktitle = {Workshop on User Interface Description Languages for Next Generation User Interfaces, {CHI} 2008}, note = {April 5-10, 2008, Florence, Italy}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DC08a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2008/chi08Workshop6_demeure-final.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-CCB+08a, title = {The Many Faces of Plastic User Interfaces}, author = {Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Balme, Lionel and Demeure, Alexandre and Sottet, Jean-Sebastien}, year = {2008}, note = {Workshop on User Interface Description Languages for Next Generation User Interfaces, {CHI} 2008. April 5-10, 2008, Florence, Italy}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CCB+08a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2008/chi2008workshop14.coutaz.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CBC+07a, title = {An {MDE}-{SOA} Approach to Support Plastic User Interafces in Ambient Spaces}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Balme, Lionel and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Demeure, Alexandre and Sottet, Jean-Sebastien}, year = {2007}, pages = {152-171}, booktitle = {Proc. {HCI} International 2007}, note = {Beijing, July 2007.}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CBC+07a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2007/SESAMI.HCII.MDASOA.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @phdthesis{iihm-D07a, title = {Mod{\`{e}}les et outils pour la conception et l'ex{\'{e}}cution d'Interfaces Homme-Machine Plastiques}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre}, year = {2007}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/D07a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2007/These_Demeure_v6.pdf}, type_publi = {these}, type = {Th{\`{e}}ses et habilitations}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DCC+06a, title = {The Comet Inspector: Manipulating Multiple User Interface Representations Simultaneously}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Vanderdonckt, Jean}, year = {2006}, pages = {167-174}, booktitle = {Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces {CADUI}'06}, chapter = {13}, note = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006, Bucharest, 6-8 June 2006}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DCC+06a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2006/Demeure-CADUI2006.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DCC+06b, title = {Towards Run Time Plasticity Control based on a Semantic Network}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Vanderdonckt, Jean}, year = {2006}, pages = {324-338}, booktitle = {Fifth International Workshop on Task Models and Diagrams for {UI} design ({TAMODIA}'06)}, note = {Hasselt, Belgium, October 23-24, 2006}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DCC+06b/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2006/Demeure-Tamodia2006-LNCS-_1.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CCD+06a, title = {M{\'{e}}tamorphose des {IHM} et Plasticit{\'{e}} : Article de synth{\`{e}}se}, author = {Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Daassi, Olfa and Ganneau, Vincent and Balme, Lionel and Demeure, Alexandre and Sottet, Jean-Sebastien}, year = {2006}, pages = {79-86}, booktitle = {Ergo'{IA} 2006}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CCD+06a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2006/ErgoIA06-plasticite.pdf}, type_publi = {colcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-BDS+06a, title = {A Principled {MDE} Framework for Plastic User Interfaces}, author = {Balme, Lionel and Demeure, Alexandre and Sottet, Jean-Sebastien and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Favre, Jean-Marie}, year = {2006}, note = {1rst Workshop {onMulti}-channel Adaptive Context-sensitive ({MAC}) Systems: Building Links between Research Communities, Glasgow}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/BDS+06a/}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-SCF+06b, title = {Towards Mapping and Model Transformation for Consistency of Plastic User Interfaces}, author = {Sottet, Jean-Sebastien and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Favre, Jean-Marie and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Demeure, Alexandre}, year = {2006}, note = {Workshop on The Many Faces of Consistency in Cross-Platform Design, {ACM} conf. on Computer Human Interaction, {CHI} 2006, Montr{\'{e}}al.}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/SCF+06b/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2006/MaFOC06-Sottet-final.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DCS+05a, title = {A Reference Model for Distributed User Interfaces}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Sottet, Jean-Sebastien and Vanderdonckt, Jean}, year = {2005}, booktitle = {{TAsk} {MOdels} and {DIAgrams} for user interface design {TAMODIA}'05}, note = {8 pages.}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DCS+05a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2005/TAMODIA_2005 A Reference Model for Distributed User Interfaces.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-SCF+05a, title = {Towards Model Driven Engineering of Plastic User Interfaces}, author = {Sottet, Jean-Sebastien and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Favre, Jean-Marie and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Demeure, Alexandre and Balme, Lionel}, year = {2005}, pages = {191-200}, booktitle = {Satellite Proc. of the {ACM/IEEE} 8th International Conf. on Models Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, {MoDELS/UML} 2005}, note = {Springer {LNCS}}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/SCF+05a/}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @article{iihm-CDC+05a, title = {Des widgets aux comets pour la Plasticit{\'{e}} des Syst{\`{e}}mes Interactifs}, author = {Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Daassi, Olfa and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Demeure, Alexandre}, year = {2005}, pages = {33-53}, journal = {Revue d'Interaction Homme-Machine ({RIHM})}, number = {1}, volume = {6}, note = {{ISSN} 1289-2963}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CDC+05a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2005/RIHM05-comets.pdf}, type_publi = {revcomlec}, type = {Revues nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-DBC05a, title = {{CamNote}: A Plastic Slides Viewer}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Balme, Lionel and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2005}, note = {Plastic Services for Mobile Devices ({PSMD}), Workshop hel in conjunction with Interact'05, Rome, 12 Septembre 2005.}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DBC05a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2005/camnote.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-DCS05a, title = {A Model-Driven Home Heating Control System}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Sottet, Jean-Sebastien}, year = {2005}, booktitle = {Plastic Services for Mobile Devices ({PSMD}), Workshop hel in conjunction with Interact'05, Rome, 12 Septembre 2005.,}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DCS05a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2005/Model_driven_heating_system.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-BDC+05a, title = {Sedan-Bouillon: A Plastic Web Site}, author = {Balme, Lionel and Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2005}, note = {Plastic Services for Mobile Devices ({PSMD}), Workshop hel in conjunction with Interact'05, Rome, 12 Septembre 2005.}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/BDC+05a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2005/sedan_bouillon.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-BDB+04a, title = {{CAMELEON}-{RT}: a Software Architecture Reference Model for Distributed, Migratable, and Plastic User Interfaces}, author = {Balme, Lionel and Demeure, Alexandre and Barralon, Nicolas and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2004}, pages = {291-302}, booktitle = {{EUSAI} 2004, {LNCS} 3295}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/BDB+04a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2004/Eusai04_cameleon_rt.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CCD+04a, title = {Towards a new generation of widgets for supporting software plasticity: the 'comet'}, author = {Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Daassi, Olfa and Balme, Lionel and Demeure, Alexandre}, year = {2004}, pages = {306-323}, booktitle = {{EHCI}-{DSVIS}'04, The 9th {IFIP} Working Conference on Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction, Jointly with The 11th International Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems}, note = {Hamburg, Germany}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CCD+04a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2004/EHCI04.comets.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @article{iihm-CDC+04a, title = {Adaptation des interfaces homme-machine {\`{a}} leur contexte d'usage Plasticit{\'{e}} des {IHM}}, author = {Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Demeure, Alexandre and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Daassi, Olfa}, year = {2004}, pages = {577-606}, journal = {La pr{\'{e}}sentation d'information sur mesure, Numero Special de {RIA}; Paris, C. et Colineau, N. (editeurs invites). Vol 18 (4) 2004. Date de parution: Septembre 2004.}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CDC+04a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2004/RIA03.plasticite-1.pdf}, type_publi = {revcomlec}, type = {Revues nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DC03a, title = {Le Mod{\`{e}}le d'{\'{e}}volution en Plasticit{\'{e}} des Interfaces : Apport des Graphes Conceptuels}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2003}, pages = {80-87}, booktitle = {{IHM} 2003}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DC03a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2003/ihm2003.evolution.pdf}, type_publi = {colcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DCC+03a, title = {Comet : Une nouvelle g{\'{e}}n{\'{e}}ration de "widget" pour la Plasticit{\'{e}} des Interfaces}, author = {Daassi, Olfa and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Demeure, Alexandre}, year = {2003}, pages = {64-71}, booktitle = {{IHM} 2003}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DCC+03a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2003/ihm03.comets.pdf}, type_publi = {colcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @misc{iihm-DCB03a, title = {Towards an Evolution Model for Supporting Plasticity of User Interfaces}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Barralon, Nicolas}, year = {2003}, pages = {117-118}, booktitle = {Adjunct Proceedings of {HCI} International 03}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DCB03a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2003/HCI2003Demeure.pdf}, type_publi = {diffusion}, type = {Diffusion de la connaissance, vulgarisation scientifique}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {yes}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DC02a, title = {Jeu et r{\'{e}}alit{\'{e}} mixte : retours d'exp{\'{e}}rience}, author = {Demeure, Alexandre and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle}, year = {2002}, pages = {89-96}, booktitle = {Actes de la 14{\`{e}}me conf{\'{e}}rence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, {IHM} 2002, Poitiers, France, {ACM} Press}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DC02a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2002/IHM02.jeux.pdf}, type_publi = {colcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, }