	title = {Interactive Information Retrieval Systems: From User Centred Interface Design to Software Design},
	author = {Mulhem, P and Nigay, Laurence},
	year = {1996},
	pages = {326-334},
	booktitle = {Proc. {SIGIR}, {ACM} Press, Zurich},
	uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/MN96a/},
	type_publi = {icolcomlec},
	type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet},
	x-proceedings = {yes},
	x-editorial-board = {yes},
	x-international-audience = {yes},
	x-invited-conference = {no},
	x-scientific-popularization = {no},

	title = {Conception des Syst{\`{e}}mes de Recherche d'Information Multim{\'{e}}dia},
	author = {Chevallet, Jean-Pierre and Gauthier, G. and Mulhem, P and Nigay, Laurence},
	year = {1996},
	pages = {85-90},
	booktitle = {{IHM}'96, Grenoble, {CEPADUES} Publ},
	uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CGM+96a/},
	pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/1996/IHMChevalletNigay96.pdf},
	type_publi = {colcomlec},
	type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet},
	x-proceedings = {yes},
	x-editorial-board = {yes},
	x-international-audience = {no},
	x-invited-conference = {no},
	x-scientific-popularization = {no},

	title = {Software Architecture Modelling for Information Retrieval Systems},
	author = {Nigay, Laurence and Mulhem, P and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle},
	year = {1996},
	booktitle = {Conf{\'{e}}rence invit{\'{e}}e, {FADIVA} {EEC} working group Workshop on Three Dimensional Graphical user Interfaces to Information Retrieval Systems and Databases, Gubbio, Italy},
	uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/NMC96a/},
	type_publi = {autre},
	type = {Autres publications},
	x-proceedings = {no},
	x-editorial-board = {no},
	x-international-audience = {no},
	x-invited-conference = {no},
	x-scientific-popularization = {no},