@inproceedings{iihm-GDM+18a, title = {Using user emotions to trigger {UI} adaptation}, author = {Galindo, Juli{\'{a}}n Andr{\'{e}}s and Dupuy-Chessa, Sophie and Mandran, Nadine and C{\'{e}}ret, {\'{E}}ric}, year = {2018}, pages = {340-350}, booktitle = {12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, {RCIS18}}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1109/RCIS.2018.8406661}, address = {Nantes, France}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/GDM+18a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2018/rcis18juliangalindo.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-LNC+18a, title = {The {TOP}-Slider for Multi-criteria Decision Making by Non-Specialists}, author = {Laurillau, Yann and Nguyen, Van Bao and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Mandran, Nadine and Camara, Fatoumata and Balzarini, Raffaella}, year = {2018}, pages = {642-653}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction ({NordiCHI} '18)}, publisher = {{ACM}}, editor = {{ACM}}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3240167.3240185}, url = {https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3240185}, address = {{US}}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/LNC+18a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2018/1144-yann_laurillau.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CCB+18b, title = {"Will the Last One Out, Please Turn Off the Lights": Promoting Energy Awareness in Public Areas of Office Buildings}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Carlesso, Antonin and Bonnefond, Nicolas and Balzarini, Raffaella and Laurillau, Yann and Mandran, Nadine and Crowley, James}, year = {2018}, pages = {20-36}, booktitle = {Proc. of the European Conference on Ambient Intelligence ({AmI} 2018)}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-03062-9_2}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CCB+18b/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2018/Ami2018-Paper13-Final.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-MD17a, title = {{THEDRE}: a Traceable Process for High Quality in Human Centred Computer Science Research}, author = {Mandran, Nadine and Dupuy-Chessa, Sophie}, year = {2017}, pages = {12}, booktitle = {26th Int. Conference on Information Systems Development {ISD}'2017}, url = {http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2017/ISDMethodologies/12}, address = {Cyprius}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/MD17a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2017/THEDRE_ A Traceable Process for High Quality in Human Centred Com.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-MDC17a, title = {Processus de conduite de la recherche et ing{\'{e}}nierie des processus : vers une fertilisation crois{\'{e}}e}, author = {Mandran, Nadine and Dupuy-Chessa, Sophie and C{\'{e}}ret, {\'{E}}ric}, year = {2017}, pages = {161-177}, journal = {35{\`{e}}me congr{\`{e}}s {INFORSID} 2017}, url = {http://inforsid.fr/actes/2017/INFORSID_2017_paper_14.pdf}, address = {Toulouse, France}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/MDC17a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2017/INFORSID_2017_paper_14.pdf}, type_publi = {colcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-GCD+13a, title = {Model-Based Self-Explanatory {UIs} for free, but are they valuable?}, author = {Garc{\'{i}}a Frey, Alfonso and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Dupuy-Chessa, Sophie and Mandran, Nadine}, year = {2013}, pages = {144-161}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th {IFIP} {TC13} Conference on Human-Computer Interaction ({INTERACT}'13), 2-6 September 2013, Cape Town, South Africa}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40477-1_9}, address = {Cape Town, South Africa}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/GCD+13a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2013/interact13v7.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @article{iihm-GCM+13a, title = {A need, no app: just do it! But do people support dynamic composition of interactive systems for fulfilling emergent needs?}, author = {Gabillon, Yoann and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Mandran, Nadine and Fiorino, Humbert}, year = {2013}, pages = {195-210}, journal = {Revista Rom{\^{a}}n{\u{a}} de Interac{\c{t}}iune Om-Calculator}, number = {3}, volume = {6}, publisher = {{RoCHI} ({ACM} {SIGCHI} Romania)}, url = {http://rochi.utcluj.ro/rrioc/rrioc-2013-3.html#A_need_no_app_just_do_it}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/GCM+13a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2013/RRIOC-6-3-Gabillon.pdf}, type_publi = {irevcomlec}, type = {Revues internationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CM12a, title = {Identifying Emotions Expressed by Mobile Users through {2D} Surface and {3D} Motion Gestures}, author = {Coutrix, C{\'{e}}line and Mandran, Nadine}, year = {2012}, pages = {311-320}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th {ACM} International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp'12), September 5-8, 2012, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.}, publisher = {{ACM}}, address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CM12a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2012/Ubicomp12-IdentifyingEmotions-coutrix.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CCD+12a, title = {Where do Facebook Intelligent Lists Come From?}, author = {Camara, Fatoumata and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Demumieux, Rachel and Mandran, Nadine}, year = {2012}, pages = {289-292}, booktitle = {International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces ({IUI}'2012)}, note = {14-17 February 2012}, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CCD+12a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2012/iui12-camara.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-DMG+11a, title = {A case Study for Improving a Collaborative Design Process}, author = {Dupuy-Chessa, Sophie and Mandran, Nadine and Godet-Bar, Guillaume and Rieu, Dominique}, year = {2011}, pages = {97-101}, booktitle = {{IFIP} {WG8}.1 Working conf{\'{e}}rence on Method Engineering ({ME}'2011)}, address = {Paris, France}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/DMG+11a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2011/dupuy-ME2011.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-SVC+11a, title = {{TouchOver}: Decoupling Positioning from Selection on Touch-based Handheld Devices}, author = {Scoditti, Adriano and Vincent, Thomas and Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Blanch, Renaud and Mandran, Nadine}, year = {2011}, pages = {37-40}, booktitle = {Actes de la 23{\`{e}}me conf{\'{e}}rence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine ({IHM} 2011)}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2044354.2044362}, address = {Nice, France}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/SVC+11a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2011/touchover_ihm2011.pdf}, type_publi = {colcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CFM+10b, title = {{DisQo} : A user needs analysis method for smart home}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Fontaine, Emeric and Mandran, Nadine and Demeure, Alexandre}, year = {2010}, pages = {615-618}, booktitle = {in Proceedings of {ACM} {NordiCHI} 2010 International Conference}, publisher = {{ACM}}, address = {Reykjavik, Iceland}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CFM+10b/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2010/nordichi2010-DisQo.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-FBL+10a, title = {Wavelet Menus on Handheld Devices: Stacking Metaphor for Novice Mode and Eyes-Free Selection for Expert Mode}, author = {Francone, Jeremie and Bailly, Gilles and Lecolinet, {\'{E}}ric and Mandran, Nadine and Nigay, Laurence}, year = {2010}, pages = {173-180}, booktitle = {Conference Proceedings of {ACM}-{AVI} 2010, {ACM} Press, Roma, Italy, May 25-29, 2010}, publisher = {{ACM} New York, {NY}, {USA}}, address = {Roma, Italy}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/FBL+10a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2010/AVI10-Francone-Bailly-Lecolinet-Nigay.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CDC+10a, title = {Cocoon, un syst{\`{e}}me de recommandation sensible au contexte : analyse de la valeur par une {\'{e}}tude qualitative}, author = {Camara, Fatoumata and Demumieux, Rachel and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Mandran, Nadine}, year = {2010}, pages = {211-218}, booktitle = {Actes de la conf{\'{e}}rence Ergo '{IA} 2010}, publisher = {{ACM}}, editor = {Calvary, G. and Wolff, M.}, address = {Biarritz, France}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CDC+10a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2010/ergoia10-camara.pdf}, type_publi = {colcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @unpublished{iihm-CFM+10a, title = {About Composing Our Own Smart Home}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Fontaine, Emeric and Mandran, Nadine and Demeure, Alexandre}, year = {2010}, booktitle = {Workshop on End-User development for Services, in conjunction with {AVI2010}, Rome}, publisher = {{ACM} publ.}, note = {{EUD4Services} (End-User Development for Services) workshop, in Conjunction with {AVI} 2010, Rome, May 2010.}, address = {Rome, Italy}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CFM+10a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2010/EUD4Services_Coutaz_final.pdf}, type_publi = {autre}, type = {Autres publications}, x-proceedings = {no}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-GCM+09a, title = {Composition dynamique d'Interfaces Homme-Machine : Besoin utilisateur ou D{\'{e}}fi de chercheur ?}, author = {Gabillon, Yoann and Calvary, Ga{\"{e}}lle and Mandran, Nadine and Fiorino, Humbert}, year = {2009}, pages = {61-64}, booktitle = {21{\`{e}}me Conf{\`{e}}rence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine}, publisher = {{ACM}}, note = {Grenoble}, address = {Grenoble, France}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/GCM+09a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2009/2009_IHM09_Gabillon-Calvary-Mandran-Fiorino.pdf}, type_publi = {colcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences nationales avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, }