publications([{ "lang": "en", "publisher": "IEEE", "doi": "", "title": "Using user emotions to trigger UI adaptation", "abstract": "User experience is an important user interface quality factor that needs to be maintained during interaction. With this goal, we propose to adapt user interfaces to users’ emotions. This requires being able to detect at runtime negative emotions to trigger adaptations. However, emotions depend on users’ gender and age. This makes it difficult to identify negative emotions and their cause. This paper studies the categorization of emotions depending on users’ age and gender and two user experience dimensions (aesthetics and usability). Thanks to an experiment, it proposes some emotions thresholds that can be used for detecting usability and aesthetics problems from users’ age and gender. These results are used in a user interface adaptation system to infer negative emotions and user interface problems.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Julián Andrés", "last_name": "Galindo" }, "2": { "first_name": "Sophie", "last_name": "Dupuy-Chessa" }, "3": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "4": { "first_name": "Éric", "last_name": "Céret" } }, "year": 2018, "uri": "", "pages": "340-350", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 822, "abbr": "GDM+18a", "address": "Nantes, France", "date": "2018-05-31", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, RCIS18", "type_publi": "icolcomlec" }, { "lang": "en", "publisher": "ACM", "doi": "", "title": "The TOP-Slider for Multi-criteria Decision Making by Non-Specialists", "url": "", "abstract": "The TOP-Slider revisits the classical slider widget to help non-experts to find optimal compromises between tightly coupled, possibly conflicting, criteria. The TOP-Slider is designed to make the tradeoff between criteria both observable and intelligible while hiding the complexity of an underlying optimization algorithm. As a case study, a TOP-Slider has been assessed in terms of perceived affordance, intelligibility and incentive, when used in conjunction with an e-coach energy management system to interactively explore Pareto optimal solutions and to choose the best compromise between comfort and financial cost. A preliminary semi-controlled empirical study with 16 participants using 3 interdependent criteria shows that the TOP-Slider can serve as a sound basis to support non-expert users in making informed compromises.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Yann", "last_name": "Laurillau" }, "2": { "first_name": "Van Bao", "last_name": "Nguyen" }, "3": { "first_name": "Joëlle", "last_name": "Coutaz" }, "4": { "first_name": "Gaëlle", "last_name": "Calvary" }, "5": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "6": { "first_name": "Fatoumata", "last_name": "Camara" }, "7": { "first_name": "Raffaella", "last_name": "Balzarini" } }, "year": 2018, "uri": "", "pages": "642-653", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 827, "editor": "ACM", "address": "US", "date": "2018-09-25", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI '18)", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "abbr": "LNC+18a" }, { "lang": "en", "publisher": "Springer", "doi": "", "title": "“Will the Last One Out, Please Turn Off the Lights”: Promoting Energy Awareness in Public Areas of Office Buildings", "abstract": "Most previous research in sustainable HCI has focused on electricity consumption in domestic environments or private office spaces. Here, we ad-dress use of lighting in public areas of office buildings with the goal of under-standing and measuring how calm technologies can inspire positive engagement by promoting awareness and competition. We have conducted a 15-month study with the design, deployment, and assessment of two complementary ambient apparatus (one centralized, one distributed) in an office building occupied by ICT start-up companies. Our results show that calm technology can be effective under specific conditions, resulting in a significant reduction of average elec-tricity consumption. We also discovered that in the absence of automatic con-trols, approximately 25% of lighting consumption occurred during off-work hours.", "year": 2018, "uri": "", "pages": "20-36", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 829, "abbr": "CCB+18b", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Joëlle", "last_name": "Coutaz" }, "2": { "first_name": "Antonin", "last_name": "Carlesso" }, "3": { "first_name": "Nicolas", "last_name": "Bonnefond" }, "4": { "first_name": "Raffaella", "last_name": "Balzarini" }, "5": { "first_name": "Yann", "last_name": "Laurillau" }, "6": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "7": { "first_name": "James", "last_name": "Crowley" } }, "date": "2018-09-25", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proc. of the European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2018)", "type_publi": "icolcomlec" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "title": "THEDRE: a Traceable Process for High Quality in Human Centred Computer Science Research", "url": "", "booktitle": "26th Int. Conference on Information Systems Development ISD'2017", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "2": { "first_name": "Sophie", "last_name": "Dupuy-Chessa" } }, "year": 2017, "uri": "", "id": 786, "bibtype": "inproceedings", "abbr": "MD17a", "address": "Cyprius", "date": "2017-06-27", "document": " A Traceable Process for High Quality in Human Centred Com.pdf", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "pages": "12" }, { "lang": "fr", "type_publi": "colcomlec", "title": "Processus de conduite de la recherche et ingénierie des processus : vers une fertilisation croisée", "url": "", "journal": "35ème congrès INFORSID 2017", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "2": { "first_name": "Sophie", "last_name": "Dupuy-Chessa" }, "3": { "first_name": "Éric", "last_name": "Céret" } }, "year": 2017, "uri": "", "id": 785, "bibtype": "inproceedings", "abbr": "MDC17a", "address": "Toulouse, France", "date": "2017-05-26", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "pages": "161-177" }, { "lang": "en", "publisher": "Springer", "doi": "", "title": "Model-Based Self-Explanatory UIs for free, but are they valuable?", "abstract": "Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been extensively used for generating User Interfaces (UIs) from models. As long as these models are kept alive at runtime, the UIs are capable of adapting to variations of the context of use. This paper investigates a potentially powerful side effect: the possibility of enriching the UIs with explanations directly generated from these models. This paper first describes a software infrastructure that supports this generation of explanations. It then reports on a user study that evaluates the added value of such model based self-explanations.", "authors": { "0": { "first_name": "Alfonso", "last_name": "García Frey" }, "1": { "first_name": "Gaëlle", "last_name": "Calvary" }, "2": { "first_name": "Sophie", "last_name": "Dupuy-Chessa" }, "3": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" } }, "year": 2013, "uri": "", "pages": "144-161", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 618, "abbr": "GCD+13a", "address": "Cape Town, South Africa", "date": "2013-03-18", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 14th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT'13), 2-6 September 2013, Cape Town, South Africa", "type_publi": "icolcomlec" }, { "bibtype": "article", "publisher": "RoCHI (ACM SIGCHI Romania)", "type_publi": "irevcomlec", "lang": "en", "uri": "", "title": "A need, no app: just do it! But do people support dynamic composition of interactive systems for fulfilling emergent needs?", "url": "", "journal": "Revista Română de Interacţiune Om-Calculator", "year": 2013, "number": 3, "pages": "195-210", "volume": 6, "id": 665, "abbr": "GCM+13a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Yoann", "last_name": "Gabillon" }, "2": { "first_name": "Gaëlle", "last_name": "Calvary" }, "3": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "4": { "first_name": "Humbert", "last_name": "Fiorino" } }, "date": "2013-02-18", "document": "", "type": "Revues internationales avec comité de lecture", "abstract": "In Human Computer Interaction engineering, both the context of use () and the user task () are supposed to be set at design time. However, in ubiquitous computing, the context of use is dynamic, making user needs possibly emerge on the fly.\r\nAs a consequence, there is a need to go beyond precomputed User Interfaces (UIs) and to be capable of dynamically composing UIs for fulfilling such emergent needs.\r\nThis paper relates a user study conducted for understanding to which extent dynamic composition of UIs can match user needs.\r\nThe study consists of 26 qualitative interviews and 3 focus groups.\r\nIt provides interesting insights for future research.\r\n" }, { "lang": "en", "publisher": "ACM", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "title": "Identifying Emotions Expressed by Mobile Users through 2D Surface and 3D Motion Gestures", "abstract": "Only intrusive and expensive ways of precisely expressing emotions has been proposed, which are not likely to appear soon in everyday Ubicomp environments. In this paper, we study to which extent we can identify the emotion a user is explicitly expressing through 2D and 3D gestures. Indeed users already often manipulate mobile devices with touch screen and accelerometers. We conducted a field study where we asked participants to explicitly express their emotion through gestures and to report their affective states. We contribute by (1) showing a high number of significant correlations in 3D motion descriptors of gestures and in the arousal dimension; (2) defining a space of affective gestures. We identify (3) groups of descriptors that structure the space and are related to arousal. Finally, we provide with (4) a preliminary model of arousal and we identify (5) interesting patterns in particular classes of gestures. Such results are useful for Ubicomp application designers in order to envision the use of gestures as a cheap and non-intrusive affective modality.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Céline", "last_name": "Coutrix" }, "2": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" } }, "year": 2012, "uri": "", "pages": "311-320", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 604, "abbr": "CM12a", "address": "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States", "date": "2012-09-06", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp'12), September 5-8, 2012, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States." }, { "lang": "en", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "title": "Where do Facebook Intelligent Lists Come From?", "abstract": "On September 19th 2011, Facebook introduced ”Intelligent\r\nLists” which are Friends Lists (FL) automatically created and\r\npre-filled based on users’ and their contacts’ profiles information\r\n(education, work, city of living, kin, etc.). In early 2011,\r\nwe conducted a study on contact management in Facebook\r\nin order to understand users’ real needs. Outcomes from this\r\nstudy suggest several recommendations, some of which can\r\nbe found today in the Facebook Intelligent Lists.\r\nThis paper provides explanations on the recent evolution in\r\nFacebook contact management. The user study involved 148\r\nparticipants. From their Facebook accounts, we retrieved 340\r\nFriends Lists and 347 family ties. In the overall, the study\r\nhas led to numerous interesting outocomes. In this paper, we\r\nfocus on those related to Friends Lists and, particularly, on\r\nrecommendations that have not yet been implemented in Facebook.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Fatoumata", "last_name": "Camara" }, "2": { "first_name": "Gaëlle", "last_name": "Calvary" }, "3": { "first_name": "Rachel", "last_name": "Demumieux" }, "4": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" } }, "year": 2012, "uri": "", "pages": "289-292", "note": "14-17 February 2012", "id": 579, "abbr": "CCD+12a", "address": "Lisbon, Portugal", "date": "2012-02-14", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI’2012)" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "title": "A case Study for Improving a Collaborative Design Process", "abstract": "We propose a design method for supporting the design of rich user interfaces. It integrates software engineering and human-computer interaction practices through collaborations and focuses on the traceability of processes and models. In this paper, we investigate these collaborative aspects with a case study, which gave us some insights in order to improve the process. ", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Sophie", "last_name": "Dupuy-Chessa" }, "2": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "3": { "first_name": "Guillaume", "last_name": "Godet-Bar" }, "4": { "first_name": "Dominique", "last_name": "Rieu" } }, "year": 2011, "uri": "", "pages": "97-101", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 548, "abbr": "DMG+11a", "address": "Paris, France", "date": "2011-03-15", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "IFIP WG8.1 Working conférence on Method Engineering (ME’2011)" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "colcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "TouchOver: Decoupling Positioning from Selection on Touch-based Handheld Devices", "abstract": "When compared to conventional desktop mouse input, touch input on handheld devices suffers from the lack of a main feature: that of a mouseover state that can provide users with dynamic pro-active information. In addition, with touch screens, selection precision is limited by undesired extra finger tracking during finger press and lift movements.\r\n\r\nWe propose TouchOver, a multi-modal input technique for touch-screen accelerometers-enabled handheld devices where positioning is performed with a finger on the touch surface, while selection is triggered by a gentle \"tilt forward\" of the device. By doing so, TouchOver adds a mouseover-like state and improves selection precision while remaining compatible with existing interaction techniques such as Shift devised to improve precision. Our formal user study shows a significant precision improvement over two other selection techniques as well as a good tradeoff between speed and accuracy.\r\n", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Adriano", "last_name": "Scoditti" }, "2": { "first_name": "Thomas", "last_name": "Vincent" }, "3": { "first_name": "Joëlle", "last_name": "Coutaz" }, "4": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "5": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" } }, "year": 2011, "uri": "", "pages": "37-40", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 574, "abbr": "SVC+11a", "address": "Nice, France", "date": "2011-10-25", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Actes de la 23ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2011)" }, { "lang": "en", "publisher": "ACM", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "title": "DisQo : A user needs analysis method for smart home", "abstract": "How can people identify the services that they might expect from their smart home when they have little to no knowledge about novel technologies? This paper reports on a user needs analysis method designed to answer this question: DisQo. We have recruited 17 families and used a combination of interviews and playful cultural probes. Results show that families are willing to couple smart objects to improve their lives.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Joëlle", "last_name": "Coutaz" }, "2": { "first_name": "Emeric", "last_name": "Fontaine" }, "3": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "4": { "first_name": "Alexandre", "last_name": "Demeure" } }, "year": 2010, "uri": "", "pages": "615-618", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 527, "abbr": "CFM+10b", "address": "Reykjavik, Iceland", "date": "2010-10-19", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "in Proceedings of ACM NordiCHI 2010 International Conference" }, { "lang": "en", "publisher": "ACM New York, NY, USA", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "title": "Wavelet Menus on Handheld Devices: Stacking Metaphor for Novice Mode and Eyes-Free Selection for Expert Mode", "abstract": "This paper presents the design and evaluation of the Wavelet menu and its implementation on the iPhone. The Wavelet menu consists of a concentric hierarchical Marking menu using simple gestures. The novice mode, i.e. when the menu is displayed, is well adapted to the limited screen space of handheld devices because the representation of the menu hierarchy is inverted, the deeper submenu being always displayed at the center of the screen. The visual design is based on a stacking metaphor to reinforce the perception of the hierarchy and to help users to quickly understand how the technique works. The menu also supports submenu previsualization, a key property to navigate efficiently in a hierarchy of commands. The quantitative evaluation shows that the Wavelet menu provides an intuitive way for supporting efficient gesture-based navigation. The expert mode, i.e. gesture without waiting for the menu to pop-up, is another key property of the Wavelet menu: By providing stroke shortcuts, the Wavelet favors the selection of frequent commands in expert mode and makes eyes-free selection possible. A user experiment shows that participants are able to select commands, eyes-free, while walking. \r\n", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Jeremie", "last_name": "Francone" }, "2": { "first_name": "Gilles", "last_name": "Bailly" }, "3": { "first_name": "Éric", "last_name": "Lecolinet" }, "4": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "5": { "first_name": "Laurence", "last_name": "Nigay" } }, "year": 2010, "uri": "", "pages": "173-180", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 512, "abbr": "FBL+10a", "address": "Roma, Italy", "date": "2010-05-25", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Conference Proceedings of ACM-AVI 2010, ACM Press, Roma, Italy, May 25-29, 2010" }, { "lang": "fr", "publisher": "ACM", "type_publi": "colcomlec", "title": "Cocoon, un système de recommandation sensible au contexte : analyse de la valeur par une étude qualitative", "abstract": "L’informatique ambiante permet la diffusion et l’accès à l’information en tout lieu, à tout moment, sur toute plate-forme. Mais quelle en est la valeur pour le citoyen ? Sa qualité de vie en sera-t-elle améliorée ? Cet article s’intéresse à un système particulier, Cocoon : un système de recommandation sensible au contexte. Cet article rela-te l’application de la méthode de conception centrée va-leur de G. Cockton (WCD pour Worth Centered Design) pour identifier les éléments de valeur de Cocoon. Le tra-vail porte sur la première phase de WCD : l'analyse des besoins. Elle s’est faite via des entretiens individuels. Une liste d’exigences pour la conception de Cocoon a été établie. Ces exigences ainsi que le protocole sont pré-sentés dans cet article. Une discussion est ensuite menée sur l’intérêt et les limites de l’approche.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Fatoumata", "last_name": "Camara" }, "2": { "first_name": "Rachel", "last_name": "Demumieux" }, "3": { "first_name": "Gaëlle", "last_name": "Calvary" }, "4": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" } }, "year": 2010, "uri": "", "pages": "211-218", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 555, "editor": "Calvary, G. and Wolff, M.", "address": "Biarritz, France", "date": "2010-10-10", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Actes de la conférence Ergo 'IA 2010", "abbr": "CDC+10a" }, { "lang": "en", "publisher": "ACM publ.", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "About Composing Our Own Smart Home", "bibtype": "unpublished", "abstract": "This paper reports on an empirical study designed as a follow-up of a theoretical model intended to support reasoning about the composition of smart artifacts by end users. We have solicited 17 families and used a combination of interviews and playful cultural probes. Results show that families are willing to couple smart objects to improve their lives, and that the theoretical questions raised by our model are sound.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Joëlle", "last_name": "Coutaz" }, "2": { "first_name": "Emeric", "last_name": "Fontaine" }, "3": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "4": { "first_name": "Alexandre", "last_name": "Demeure" } }, "year": 2010, "uri": "", "id": 510, "note": "EUD4Services (End-User Development for Services) workshop, in Conjunction with AVI 2010, Rome, May 2010.", "abbr": "CFM+10a", "address": "Rome, Italy", "date": "2010-05-28", "document": "", "type": "Autres publications", "booktitle": "Workshop on End-User development for Services, in conjunction with AVI2010, Rome" }, { "lang": "fr", "publisher": "ACM", "type_publi": "colcomlec", "title": "Composition dynamique d’Interfaces Homme-Machine : Besoin utilisateur ou Défi de chercheur ?", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "abstract": "En ingénierie traditionnelle de l’interaction homme-machine, le contexte d’usage () et la tâche de l’utilisateur () sont supposés connus à la conception. En informatique ambiante où le contexte d’usage devient variable, l’objectif de l’utilisateur peut émerger opportu-nément. Dès lors, il devient nécessaire de composer dy-namiquement des Interfaces Homme-Machine (IHM) aptes à répondre à l’objectif de l’utilisateur dans le con-texte d’usage courant. Cet article relate une étude terrain visant à cerner la pertinence du sujet du point de vue des utilisateurs. L’étude comporte une enquête qualitative menée auprès de 26 personnes et 3 groupes de discus-sion impliquant chacun une dizaine de sujets. Si l’étude mérite d’être élargie, elle apporte déjà des éclairages in-téressants pour orienter les développements.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Yoann", "last_name": "Gabillon" }, "2": { "first_name": "Gaëlle", "last_name": "Calvary" }, "3": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" }, "4": { "first_name": "Humbert", "last_name": "Fiorino" } }, "year": 2009, "uri": "", "pages": "61-64", "note": "Grenoble", "id": 491, "abbr": "GCM+09a", "address": "Grenoble, France", "date": "2009-10-13", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "21ème Confèrence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine" }]);