@inproceedings{iihm-PCR+19h, title = {Context-Aware Voice-based Interaction in Smart Home -{VocADom@A4H} Corpus Collection and Empirical Assessment of its Usefulness}, author = {Portet, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Caffiau, Sybille and Ringeval, Fabien and Vacher, Michel and Bonnefond, Nicolas and Rossato, Solange and Lecouteux, Benjamin and Desot, Thierry}, year = {2019}, pages = {811-818}, booktitle = {{PICom} 2019 - 17th {IEEE} International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1109/DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech.2019.00149}, url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02165532}, address = {Fukuoka, Japan}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/PCR+19h/}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-CCB+18b, title = {"Will the Last One Out, Please Turn Off the Lights": Promoting Energy Awareness in Public Areas of Office Buildings}, author = {Coutaz, Jo{\"{e}}lle and Carlesso, Antonin and Bonnefond, Nicolas and Balzarini, Raffaella and Laurillau, Yann and Mandran, Nadine and Crowley, James}, year = {2018}, pages = {20-36}, booktitle = {Proc. of the European Conference on Ambient Intelligence ({AmI} 2018)}, publisher = {Springer}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-03062-9_2}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/CCB+18b/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2018/Ami2018-Paper13-Final.pdf}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-ASB+14a, title = {The {EEE} corpus: socio-affective "glue" cues in elderly-robot interactions in a Smart Home with the {EmOz} platform}, author = {Auberg{\'{e}}, V{\'{e}}ronique and Sasa, Yuko and Bonnefond, Nicolas and Meillon, Brigitte and Robert, Tim and Rey-Gorrez, Jonathan and Schwartz, Adrien and Antunes, Leandra and De Biasi, Gilles and Caffiau, Sybille and Nebout, Florian}, year = {2014}, pages = {27-34}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on {EMOTION}, {SOCIAL} {SIGNALS}, {SENTIMENT} \& {LINKED} {OPEN} {DATA} ({ES3LOD} 2014)}, doi = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=}, address = {Reykjavik, Iceland}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/ASB+14a/}, pdf = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publs/2014/2014-ES3LOD-Auberge.pdf}, type_publi = {colloque}, type = {Autres conf{\'{e}}rences et colloques avec actes}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {no}, x-international-audience = {no}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, } @inproceedings{iihm-VCL+13a, title = {The {SWEET\_HOME} Project: Audio Technology in Smart Homes to improve Well-being and Reliance}, author = {Vacher, Michel and Chahuara, Pedro and Lecouteux, Benjamin and Istrate, Dan and Portet, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Joubert, Thierry and Sehili, Mohamed and Meillon, Brigitte and Bonnefond, Nicolas and Fabre, S{\'{e}}bastien and Roux, Camille and Caffiau, Sybille}, year = {2013}, pages = {7298-7301}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 35th Annual International Conference of the {IEEE} Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society ({EMBC}'13)}, address = {Osaka, Japan}, uri = {http://iihm.imag.fr/publication/VCL+13a/}, type_publi = {icolcomlec}, type = {Conf{\'{e}}rences internationales de large diffusion avec comit{\'{e}} de lecture sur texte complet}, x-proceedings = {yes}, x-editorial-board = {yes}, x-international-audience = {yes}, x-invited-conference = {no}, x-scientific-popularization = {no}, }