publications([{ "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "BiVis: Interactive and Progressive Visualization of Billions (and Counting) Items", "url": "", "abstract": "Recent advances in information visualization have shown that building proper structures to allow efficient lookup in the data can reduce significantly the time to build graphical representation of very large data sets, when compared to the linear scanning of the data.\r\nWe present BiVis, a visualization technique that shows how such techniques can be further improved to reach a rendering time compatible with continuous interaction.\r\nTo do so, we turn the lookup into an anytime algorithm compatible with a progressive visualization: a visualization presenting an approximation of the data and an estimation of the error can be displayed almost instantaneously and refined in successive frames until the error converges to zero.\r\nWe also leverage the spatial coherency of the navigation: during the interaction, the state of the (possibly partial) lookup for the previous frames is reused to bootstrap the lookup for the next frame despite the view change.\r\nWe show that those techniques allow the interactive exploration of out-of-core time series consisting of billions of events on commodity computers.\r\n", "year": 2023, "uri": "", "pages": "65-85", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 954, "abbr": "B23a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" } }, "date": "2023-08-30", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "proc. 19th IFIP TC13 International Conference (Interact 2023)" }, { "lang": "fr", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "Visualisation de données spatio-temporelles : Étude sismologique du glacier d’Argentière", "url": "", "booktitle": "actes des Journées Visu 2023", "year": 2023, "uri": "", "id": 952, "bibtype": "unpublished", "abbr": "BLO+23a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Albanne", "last_name": "Lecointre" }, "3": { "first_name": "Michael", "last_name": "Ortega" }, "4": { "first_name": "Philippe", "last_name": "Roux" } }, "date": "2023-06-22", "document": "", "type": "Autres publications", "pages": "2" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "InSARViz: an open source interactive visualization tool for InSAR ", "url": "", "booktitle": "actes des Journées Visu 2023", "year": 2023, "uri": "", "id": 953, "bibtype": "unpublished", "abbr": "MBP+23a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Margaux", "last_name": "Mouchené" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Erwan", "last_name": "Pathier" }, "4": { "first_name": "Franck", "last_name": "Thollard" } }, "date": "2023-06-22", "document": "", "type": "Autres publications", "pages": "2" }, { "lang": "en", "publisher": "IEEE", "doi": "", "title": "Selection Techniques for 3D Extended Desktop Workstation with AR HMD", "url": "", "abstract": "Extending a standard desktop workstation (i.e. a screen, a mouse, a keyboard) with virtual scenes displayed on an Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Display (AR HMD) offers many identified advantages including limited physical space requirements, very large and flexible display spaces, and 3D stereoscopic views. While the technologies become more mainstream, the remaining open question is how to interact with such hybrid workstations that combine 2D views displayed on a physical monitor and 3D views displayed on a HoloLens. For a selection task, we compared mouse-based interaction (standard for 2D desktop workstations) and direct touch interaction in mid-air (standard for 3D AR) while considering different positions of the 3D scene according to a physical monitor. To extend mouse-based selection to 3D views, we experimentally explored different interaction metaphors where the mouse cursor moves either on a horizontal or a vertical plane in a 3D virtual scene. To check for ecological validity of our results, we conducted an additional study focusing on interaction with a 2D/3D Gapminder dataset visualization. The results show 1) that the mouse-based interaction, as compared to direct touch interaction in mid-air, is easy and efficient, 2) that using a vertical plane placed in front of the 3D virtual scene to mimic the double screen metaphor outperforms other interaction techniques and 3) that flexibility is required to allow users to choose the selection techniques and to position the 3D virtual scene relative to the physical monitor. Based on these results, we derive interaction design guidelines for hybrid workstations.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Carole", "last_name": "Plasson" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Laurence", "last_name": "Nigay" } }, "year": 2022, "uri": "", "pages": "460-469", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 947, "abbr": "PBN22a", "address": "Singapore, Singapore", "date": "2022-10-17", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)", "type_publi": "icolcomlec" }, { "lang": "en", "bibtype": "unpublished", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "InSarViz, an open source interactive visualization tool for satellite SAR interferometry", "url": "", "abstract": "Satellite SAR interferometry (InSAR) is a well-established technique in Earth Observation that is able to monitor ground displacement with a high precision (up to mm/year), combining high spatial resolution (up to a few m) and large coverage capabilities (up to continental scale) with a temporal resolution from a few days to a few weeks. It is used to study a wide range of phenomena (e.g. earthquakes, landslides, permafrost, volcanoes, glaciers dynamics, subsidence, building and infrastructure deformation, etc.).\r\n\r\nFor several reasons (data availability, non-intuitive radar image geometry, complexity of the processing, etc.), InSAR has long remained a niche technology and few free open-source tools have been dedicated to it compared to the widely-used multi-purposes optical imagery. Most tools are focused on data processing (e.g. ROI_PAC, DORIS, GMTSAR, StaMPS, ISCE, NSBAS, OTB, SNAP, LICSBAS), but very few are tailored to the specific visualization needs of the different InSAR products (interferograms, network of interferograms, datacube of InSAR time-series). Similarly, generic remote-sensing or GIS software like QGIS are also limited when used with InSAR data. Some visualization tools with dedicated InSAR functionality like the pioneer MDX software (provided by the Jet Propulsion Lab, were designed to visualize a single radar image or interferogram, but not large datasets. The ESA SNAP toolbox also offers nice additional features to switch from radar to ground geometry.\r\n\r\nHowever, new spatial missions, like the Sentinel-1 mission of the European program COPERNICUS with a systematic background acquisition strategy and an open data policy, provide unprecedented access to massive SAR data sets. Those new datasets allow to generate a network of thousands of interferograms over a same area, from which time-serie analysis results in spatio-temporal data cube: a layer of this data cube is a 2D map that contains the displacement of each pixel of an image relative to the same pixel in the reference date image. A typical data cube size is 4000x6000x200, where 4000x6000 are the spatial dimensions (pixels) and 200 is a typical number of images taken since the beginning of the mission (2014). The aforementioned tools are not suited to manage such large and multifaceted datasets.\r\nIn particular, fluid and interactive data visualization of large, multidimensional datasets is non-trivial. If data cube visualization is a more generic problem and an active research topic in EO and beyond, some specifics of InSAR (radar geometry, wrapped phase, relative measurement in space and in time, multiple types of products useful for interpretation…) call for a new, dedicated visualization tool.\r\nWe started the InSARviz project with a survey of expert users in the French InSAR community covering different application domains (earthquake, volcano, landslides), and we identified a strong need for an application that allows to navigate interactively in spatio-temporal data cubes.\r\n\r\nSome of the requirements for the tools are generic (e.g., handling of big dataset, flexibility with respect to the input formats, smooth and user-driven navigation along the cube dimensions) and other more specific (relative comparison between points at different location, selection of a set of pixels and the simultaneous vizualisation of their behavior in both time and space, visualization of the data in radar and ground geometries…)\r\n\r\nTo meet those needs we designed the InSARViz application with the following characteristics:\r\n- A standalone application that takes advantage of the hardware (i.e. GPU, SSD hard drive, capability to run on cluster as a standalone application). We choose the Python language for its well-known advantages (interpreted language, readable, large community) and we use QT for the graphical user interface and OpenGL for the hardware graphical acceleration.\r\n- Using the GDAL library to load the data. This will allow to handle all the input formats that are managed by GDAL (e.g. GeoTIFF). Moreover, we designed a plug-in strategy that allows users to easily manage their own custom data formats.\r\n- We take advantage of Python/QT/OpenGL stack that ensures efficient user interaction with the data. For example, the temporal displacement profile of a point is drawn on the fly while the mouse is hovering over the corresponding pixel. The “on the fly” feature allows the user to identify points of interest. The user can then enter another mode in which they can select a set of points. The application will then draw the temporal profiles of the selected points, allowing a comparison of their behavior in time. This feature can be used when studying earthquakes as users can select points across a fault, allowing to have a general view of the behavior of the phenomenon at different places and times.\r\n- Multiple windows design allows the user to visualize at the same time data in radar geometry and in standard map projection, and also to localize a zoomed-in area on the global map. A layer management system is provided to quickly access files and their metadata.\r\n- Visualization tools commonly use aggregation methods (like e.g. smoothing, averaging, clustering) to drastically accelerate image display, but they thus induce observation and interpretation biases that are detrimental to the user. To avoid those bias, the tool focuses on keeping true to the original data and allowing the user to customize the rendering manually (colorscale, outliers selection, level-of-detail)\r\nIn our road map, we also plan to develop a new functionality to visualize interactively a network of interferograms.\r\n\r\nWe plan to demonstrate the capabilities of the InSARviz tool during the symposium.\r\n \r\nThe InSARviz project was supported by CNES, focused on SENTINEL1, and CNRS. ", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Margaux", "last_name": "Mouchené" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Erwan", "last_name": "Pathier" }, "4": { "first_name": "Franck", "last_name": "Thollard" } }, "year": 2022, "uri": "", "id": 946, "note": "Poster présenté à :\r\n", "abbr": "MBP+22a", "address": "Bonn, Germany", "date": "2022-05-23", "document": "", "type": "Autres publications", "booktitle": "European Spatial Agency Living Planet Symposium" }, { "lang": "fr", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "Note sur la Réforme de l'Élection Législative – Analyse du Degré de Proportionnalité de la Proposition 2020", "url": "", "abstract": "Dans cette note, nous nous intéressons à la proposition de réforme de l'élection législative, formulée par le Modem et qui a été présentée partiellement dans le numéro du 22 juillet 2020 du Canard Enchaîné.\r\nNous présentons les grandes lignes des modalités de vote proposées, et nous en proposons un modèle simplifié permettant de réaliser des simulations sur les données de l'élection législative de 2017.\r\nCes simulations nous permettent une première analyse du degré de proportionnalité obtenu avec une telle procédure de vote, en fonction de plusieurs paramètres.", "year": 2020, "uri": "", "id": 905, "bibtype": "unpublished", "abbr": "BB20a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Sylvain", "last_name": "Bouveret" } }, "date": "2020-09-01", "type": "Autres publications", "pages": "7" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "autre", "doi": "", "title": "Voter Autrement 2017 - In Situ Experiment", "url": "", "abstract": "In April 2017, during the first round of the French presidential election, we performed a set of experiments on the use of voting rules. Participants to these experiments were asked to test several alternative voting methods, like approval voting, and other variants of evaluative voting. The experiments were both carried out in situ in polling stations during the first round of the presidential election (using paper ballots), and on line during the month preceding the first round, and until the second round of the election (using a web application). A total of 6358 participants took part to the in situ experiment and 37739 participants took part to the on line experiment. This paper describes the protocol of the in situ experiments and the format of the collected dataset.\r\n", "year": 2019, "uri": "", "id": 870, "bibtype": "unpublished", "abbr": "BBB+19a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Sylvain", "last_name": "Bouveret" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Antoinette", "last_name": "Baujard" }, "4": { "first_name": "François", "last_name": "Durand" }, "5": { "first_name": "Herrade", "last_name": "Igersheim" }, "6": { "first_name": "Jérôme", "last_name": "Lang" }, "7": { "first_name": "Annick", "last_name": "Laruelle" }, "8": { "first_name": "Jean-François", "last_name": "Laslier" }, "9": { "first_name": "Isabelle", "last_name": "Lebon" }, "10": { "first_name": "Vincent", "last_name": "Merlin" } }, "date": "2019-11-20", "type": "Autres publications", "pages": "22" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Composite Visual Mapping for Time Series Visualization", "url": "", "abstract": "In the information visualization reference model, visual mapping is the most crucial step in producing a visualization from a data set. The conventional visual mapping maps each data attribute onto a single visual channel (e.g. the year of production of a car to the position on the horizontal axis). In this work, we investigate composite visual mapping: mapping single data attributes onto several visual channels, each one representing one aspect of the data attribute (e.g. its order of magnitude, or its trend component). We first propose a table which allows us to explore the design space of composite mappings by offering a systematic overview of channel combinations. We expect that using more than one visual channel for communicating a data attribute increases the bandwidth of information presentation by displaying separable information on different aspects of data. In order to evaluate this point, we compare horizon graph, an existing technique which successfully adopts a composite visual mapping, with a selection of alternative composite mappings. We show that some of those mappings perform as well as –and in some cases even better than– horizon graph in terms of accuracy and speed. Our results confirm that the benefits of composite visual mapping are not limited to horizon graph. We thus recommend the use of composite visual mapping when users are simultaneously interested in several aspects of data attributes.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Ali", "last_name": "Jabbari" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Sophie", "last_name": "Dupuy-Chessa" } }, "year": 2018, "uri": "", "pages": "116-124", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 812, "abbr": "JBD18a", "address": "Kobe, Japon", "date": "2018-04-10", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2018)" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "colcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Beyond Horizon Graphs : Space Efficient Time Series Visualization with Composite Visual Mapping", "url": "", "abstract": "Restricted screen space is a limit to visualization of time series regardless of the medium. To address this challenge, we introduce new space-efficient visual designs for time series based on an approach similar to the well established Horizon Graph, namely \"\"composite\"\" visual mapping. In this approach, each data attribute is decomposed into two components and then each component is mapped onto a separate visual channel. Our visual designs consist in different combinations of geometric and optical visual channels.\r\n
\r\n\r\nWe compare our propositions with Horizon Graph across different chart heights and we measure accuracy and speed of users in a discrimination and estimation task. Our results show that although Horizon Graph perform best at larger chart heights, our propositions demonstrate same levels of accuracy in small chart heights. Moreover, at least one of our propositions has significant advantage over Horizon Graphs in terms of speed. Based on our findings, we propose design guidelines for using composite visual mapping and combinations of optical visual channels in limited vertical screen resolution settings.\r\n", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Ali", "last_name": "Jabbari" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Sophie", "last_name": "Dupuy-Chessa" } }, "year": 2018, "uri": "", "pages": "73-82", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 832, "abbr": "JBD18b", "address": "Brest, France", "date": "2018-10-23", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Actes de la 30ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2018)" }, { "lang": "fr", "type_publi": "colcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Evaluation in-situ d'une approche \"What if\" pour l'eco-feedback", "url": "", "abstract": "Réduire la consommation d’électricité est un enjeu majeur de notre société. Les méthodes eco-feedback permettent aux utilisateurs d’obtenir un retour sur leur consommation d’électricité afin de la diminuer. Toutefois, il est toujours difficile de déterminer concrètement quelles actions impactent la consommation. Dans cet article, nous proposons d’appliquer une méthode What if à l’eco-feedback en contexte domestique. Nous déployons le système Activelec dans des logements personnels, qui permet d’appliquer des changements virtuels dans l’utilisation des appareils et d’évaluer les économies réalisées.\r\n
\r\n\r\nLes résultats de notre expérimentation montrent que les participants ont apprécié la méthode d’interaction basée sur le What if. Celle-ci leur a permis de trouver et d’évaluer des modifications efficaces dans l’utilisation de leurs appareils, et certaines ont été appliquées en pratique par les participants. Cette expérimentation montre que le paradigme What if est une piste potentielle pour les technologies eco-feedback.\r\n", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Jérémy", "last_name": "Wambecke" }, "2": { "first_name": "Georges-Pierre", "last_name": "Bonneau" }, "3": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "4": { "first_name": "Romain", "last_name": "Vergne" } }, "year": 2018, "uri": "", "pages": "83-91", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 831, "abbr": "WBB+18b", "address": "Brest, France", "date": "2018-10-23", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Actes de la 30ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2018)" }, { "lang": "fr", "publisher": "Eyrolles", "type_publi": "chapitre", "title": "Visualisation interactive d’information", "abstract": "La data science, ou science des données, est la discipline qui traite de la collecte, de la préparation, de la gestion, de l'analyse, de l'interprétation et de la visualisation de grands ensembles de données complexes. Elle n'est pas seulement concernée par les outils et les méthodes pour obtenir, gérer et analyser les données ; elle consiste aussi à en extraire de la valeur et de la connaissance. Cet ouvrage présente les fondements scientifiques et les composantes essentielles de la science des données, à un niveau accessible aux étudiants de master et aux élèves ingénieurs. Notre souci a été de proposer un exposé cohérent reliant la théorie aux algorithmes développés dans ces domaines. Il s'adresse aux chercheurs et ingénieurs qui abordent les problématiques liées à la science des données, aux data scientists de PME qui utilisent en profondeur les outils d'apprentissage, mais aussi aux étudiants de master, doctorants ou encore futurs ingénieurs qui souhaitent un ouvrage de référence en data science. À qui s'adresse ce livre ? • Aux développeurs, statisticiens, étudiants et chefs de projets ayant à résoudre des problèmes de data science. • Aux data scientists, mais aussi à toute personne curieuse d'avoir une vue d'ensemble de l'état de l'art du machine learning. ", "year": 2018, "uri": "", "pages": "211-238", "bibtype": "inbook", "id": 842, "abbr": "B18a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" } }, "date": "2018-08-16", "type": "Chapitres d'ouvrages", "booktitle": "Data Science : cours et exercices" }, { "lang": "en", "publisher": "The Eurographics Association", "doi": "", "title": "What if we use the \"What if\" Approach for Eco-Feedback? Designing an Electricity Consumption Analysis for Layman Users", "url": "", "journal": "Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis) (2018)", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Jérémy", "last_name": "Wambecke" }, "2": { "first_name": "Georges-Pierre", "last_name": "Bonneau" }, "3": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "4": { "first_name": "Romain", "last_name": "Vergne" } }, "year": 2018, "uri": "", "pages": "8", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 817, "abbr": "WBB+18a", "address": "Brno, Czech republic", "date": "2018-04-26", "document": "", "type": "Autres conférences et colloques avec actes", "abstract": "Many households share the objective of reducing electricity consumption for either economic or ecological motivations. Eco-feedback technologies support this objective by providing users with a visualization of their consumption. However as pointed out by several studies, users encounter difficulties in finding concrete actions to reduce their consumption. To overcome this limitation, we introduce in this paper Activelec, a system based on the visualization and interaction with user’s behavior rather than raw consumption data. The user’s behavior is modeled as the set of actions modifying the state of appliances over time. A key novelty of our solution is its focus on the What if approach applied to eco-feedback. Users can analyze and experiment scenarios by selecting and modifying their usage of electrical appliances over time and visualize the impact on the consumption. We conduct two user studies that evaluate the usability of Activelec and the relevance of the What if approach for electricity consumption. Our results show that users understand the interaction paradigm and can easily find relevant modifications in their usage of appliances. Moreover participants judge these changes of behavior would require little effort to be adopted. Therefore our work opens new perspectives on using the What if approach in the context of eco-feedback technology.", "type_publi": "colloque" }, { "lang": "fr", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "Simulation de systèmes de vote avec proportionnelle pour les législatives", "url": "", "abstract": "Ce document présente les résultats de simulations de divers systèmes de vote permettant d’introduire une dose de proportionnelle pour les législatives.\r\nIl présente également la méthodologie utilisée afin de permettre la réplication de ces simulations et d’en préciser les limites.\r\nLes simulations explorent plusieurs hypothèses quant au nombre de députés constituant l’assemblée, au niveau de proportionnelle (et donc au nombre de circonscriptions), et enfin au type de proportionnelle.\r\nCette combinatoire est explorée en simulant ce qui aurait pu se passer en 2017 avec de tels systèmes de vote à titre de comparaison avec un résultat connu : la composition de l’actuelle assemblée.", "year": 2018, "uri": "", "id": 906, "bibtype": "unpublished", "abbr": "BB18a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Sylvain", "last_name": "Bouveret" } }, "date": "2018-05-28", "type": "Autres publications", "pages": "71" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "autre", "doi": "", "title": "Voter Autrement 2017 - Online Experiment", "url": "", "abstract": "In March and April 2017, we have run a voting experiment during the French presidential election. During this experiment, participants were asked to test several alternative voting methods to elect the French president, like scoring methods, instant-runoff voting, Borda with partial rankings. The experiment was both carried out in situ in polling stations during the first round of the presidential election (using paper ballots), and online during the month preceding the first round, and until the second round of the election (using a web application). A total of 6358 participants took part to the in situ experiment and 37739 participants took part to the online experiment. This dataset contains the answers provided by the participants to the online experiment, with no other processsing than a basic transformation to a set of CSV files.", "year": 2018, "uri": "", "id": 825, "bibtype": "unpublished", "abbr": "BBB+18a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Sylvain", "last_name": "Bouveret" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Antoinette", "last_name": "Baujard" }, "4": { "first_name": "François", "last_name": "Durand" }, "5": { "first_name": "Herrade", "last_name": "Igersheim" }, "6": { "first_name": "Jérôme", "last_name": "Lang" }, "7": { "first_name": "Annick", "last_name": "Laruelle" }, "8": { "first_name": "Jean-François", "last_name": "Laslier" }, "9": { "first_name": "Isabelle", "last_name": "Lebon" }, "10": { "first_name": "Vincent", "last_name": "Merlin" } }, "date": "2018-08-29", "type": "Autres publications", "pages": "1-26" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "colloque", "title": "Activelec: an Interaction-Based Visualization System to Analyze Household Electricity Consumption", "url": "", "abstract": "Everyone can now record and explore the evolution over time of his/her personal household electricity consumption. However understanding what links this data to our behavior remains a challenge. In this paper, we present a visualization tool based on the direct manipulation, by the users, of their behavior. Users can select and modify their actions over time, evaluating the results on the data with the visualization. We also conduct a user study, showing that our method allows users to understand the links between actions and data, and to use this knowledge in order to test and evaluate changes in their behavior.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Jérémy", "last_name": "Wambecke" }, "2": { "first_name": "Georges-Pierre", "last_name": "Bonneau" }, "3": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "4": { "first_name": "Romain", "last_name": "Vergne" } }, "year": 2017, "uri": "", "pages": "4", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 802, "editor": "IEEE", "address": "Phoenix, United States", "date": "2017-10-02", "document": "", "type": "Autres conférences et colloques avec actes", "booktitle": "Workshop Vis in Practice - Visualization Solutions in the Wild, IEEE VIS 2017, Oct 2017, Phoenix, United States", "abbr": "WBB+17a" }, { "lang": "fr", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "Vers le milliard d'éléments et au-delà", "url": "", "booktitle": "actes des Journées Visu 2017", "year": 2017, "uri": "", "id": 794, "bibtype": "unpublished", "abbr": "B17a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" } }, "date": "2017-06-08", "document": "", "type": "Autres publications", "pages": "2" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "colcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "TraceViz: une plateforme de visualisation pour l'analyse interactive de traces d'exécution", "abstract": "Hardware platforms of embedded systems are more powerful at each new generation thank to the integration of System-on-Chip (SoC). Developing streaming multimedia applications on embedded systems becomes an increasingly complex process. Modern applications are highly multi-threaded and have to decode the multimedia stream in real time to prevent the apparition of audio and video artifacts. Debugging this kind of issue cannot be done with traditional debuggers that interrupt the decoding and perturb the synchronization of the different threads. The solution is to record all the events that occurred during the decoding in a trace and perform the analysis post-mortem. There exists many visualization tools to analyze execution traces but they have reached their limits with the amount of data generated by modern applications. They either provide a too generalized representation to be useful, or they show too much details leading to a fastidious data exploration. We propose a novel interaction visualization framework to address these problems. In particular, our contribution is in two parts: (a) we present a new fast backend suitable for the interactive browsing of huge traces and (b) a new visualization tool to explore the trace at different level of details.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Rémy", "last_name": "Dautriche" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Alexandre", "last_name": "Termier" }, "4": { "first_name": "Miguel", "last_name": "Santana" } }, "year": 2016, "uri": "", "pages": "115-125", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 767, "abbr": "DBT+16a", "address": "Fribourg, Suisse", "date": "2016-10-25", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Actes de la 28ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2016)" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "colloque", "title": "Edge-Compressed Majority Graph: Where Social Choice Meets Information Visualization", "abstract": "Collective decisions are everywhere: choosing central or local governments, selecting a candidate to hire for an open position, choosing a restaurant to share a dinner with some friends are examples of collective decision making situations. Social Choice provides a lot of methods which can help people making a decision in such situations. However, the diversity of these voting procedures and the mathematical background necessary to understand them can be seen as obstacles to the use of these methods in everyday situations by laypersons. We claim that information visualization techniques can help a lot the democratization of social choice, by providing people with some easily interpretable information and, in the end, helping them making informed collective decisions. In this paper, we present the Edge-Compressed Majority Graph, a technique dedicated to the visualization of the majority graph of a preference profile. Using an insight-based evaluation method, we show that this technique gives better results in conveying information about the preferences than other classical visualization techniques.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Nikolaos", "last_name": "Karanikolas" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Sylvain", "last_name": "Bouveret" } }, "year": 2016, "uri": "", "pages": "16", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 762, "abbr": "KBB16a", "address": "Toulouse, France", "date": "2016-06-24", "document": "", "type": "Autres conférences et colloques avec actes", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC-2016)" }, { "lang": "en", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "doi": "", "title": "Towards Visualizing Hidden Structures", "abstract": "There is an increasing need to quickly understand the contents log data.\r\nA wide range of patterns can be computed and provide valuable information: for example existence of repeated sequences of events or periodic behaviors.\r\nHowever pattern mining techniques often produce many patterns that have to be examined one by one, which is time consuming for experts.\r\nOn the other hand, visualization techniques are easier to understand , but cannot provide the in-depth understanding provided by pattern mining approaches.\r\nOur contribution is to propose a novel visual analytics method that allows to immediately visualize hidden structures such as repeated sets/sequences and periodicity, allowing to quickly gain a deep understanding of the log.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Rémy", "last_name": "Dautriche" }, "2": { "first_name": "Alexandre", "last_name": "Termier" }, "3": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "4": { "first_name": "Miguel", "last_name": "Santana" } }, "year": 2016, "uri": "", "pages": "1183-1190", "note": "appeared in the PhD Forum.", "id": 774, "abbr": "DTB+16a", "address": "Barcelone, Espagne", "date": "2016-12-12", "document": "", "type": "Autres conférences et colloques avec actes", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, PhD Forum (ICDM 2016)", "type_publi": "colloque" }, { "lang": "en", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "doi": "", "title": "Dendrogramix: a Hybrid Tree-Matrix Visualization Technique to Support Interactive Exploration of Dendrograms", "url": "", "abstract": "Clustering is often a first step when trying to make sense of a large data set. A wide family of cluster analysis algorithms, namely hierarchical clustering algorithms, does not provide a partition of the data set but a hierarchy of clusters organized in a binary tree, known as a dendrogram. The dendrogram has a classical node-link representation used by experts for various tasks like: to decide which subtrees are actual clusters (e.g., by cutting the dendrogram at a given depth); to give those clusters a name by inspecting their content; etc.\r\nWe present Dendrogramix, a hybrid tree-matrix interactive visualization of dendrograms that superimposes the relationship between individual objects on to the hierarchy of clusters. Dendrogramix enables users to do tasks which involve both clusters and individual objects that are impracticable with the classical representation, like: to explain why a particular objects belongs to a particular cluster; to elicit and understand uncommon patterns (e.g., objects that could have been classified in a totally different cluster); etc. Those sensemaking tasks are supported by a consistent set of interaction techniques that facilitates the exploration of large clustering results.\r\n", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Rémy", "last_name": "Dautriche" }, "3": { "first_name": "Gilles", "last_name": "Bisson" } }, "year": 2015, "uri": "", "pages": "31-38", "note": "Best Paper award.", "id": 714, "editor": "IEEE", "address": "Hangzhou, China", "date": "2015-04-14", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2015)", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "abbr": "BDB15a" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Understanding hand degrees of freedom and natural gestures for 3D interaction on tabletop", "url": "", "abstract": "Interactively creating and editing 3D content requires the manipulation of many degrees of freedom (DoF). For instance, docking a virtual object involves 6 DoF (position and orientation). Multi-touch surfaces are good candidates as input devices for those interactions: they provide a direct manipulation where each finger contact on the table controls 2 DoF. This leads to a theoretical upper bound of 10 DoF for a single-handed interaction.\r\n\r\nWith a new hand parameterization, we investigate the number of DoF that one hand can effectively control on a multi-touch surface. A first experiment shows that the dominant hand is able to perform movements that can be parameterized by 4 to 6 DoF, and no more (i.e., at most 3 fingers can be controlled independently). Through another experiment, we analyze how gestures and tasks are associated, which enable us to discover some principles for designing 3D interactions on tabletop.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Rémi", "last_name": "Brouet" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Marie-Paule", "last_name": "Cani" } }, "year": 2013, "uri": "", "pages": "297-314", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 622, "abbr": "BBC13a", "address": "Cape Town, South Africa", "date": "2013-09-02", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 14th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interact 2013)" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Two Touch System Latency Estimators: High Accuracy and Low Overhead", "url": "", "abstract": "The end-to-end latency of interactive systems is well known to degrade user’s performance. Touch systems exhibit notable amount of latencies, but it is seldom characterized, probably because latency estimation is a difficult and time consuming undertaking. In this paper, we introduce two novel approaches to estimate the latency of touch systems. Both approaches require an operator to slide a finger on the touch surface, and provide automatic processing of the recorded data.\r\n\r\nThe High Accuracy (HA) approach requires an external camera and careful calibration, but provides a large sample set of accurate latency estimations. The Low Overhead (LO) approach, while not offering as much accuracy as the HA approach, does not require any additional equipment and is implemented in a few lines of code. In a set of experiments, we show that the HA approach can generate a highly detailed picture of the latency distribution of the system, and that the LO approach provides average latency estimates no further than 4 ms from the HA estimate.\r\n", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "François", "last_name": "Bérard" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" } }, "year": 2013, "uri": "", "pages": "241-250", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 647, "abbr": "BB13a", "address": "St Andrews, Scotland, UK", "date": "2013-10-07", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS 2013)" }, { "lang": "fr", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "Les dendro-matrices : une alternative aux dendrogrammes pour visualiser les résultats d'une classification ascendante hiérarchique", "abstract": "Le résultat d'une classification ascendante hiérarchique est classiquement présenté sous la forme d'un dendrogramme.\r\nCette représentation fournit toute l'information disponible sur les classes mais occulte partiellement celle sur les individus qui ne peuvent être associés qu'à une seule classe élémentaire.\r\n\r\nNous proposons une alternative au dendrogramme, qui dans le même espace présente comme lui la hiérarchie des classes, leur dissimilarité, mais permet de plus la comparaison d'individu à individu ; d'individu à classe ; et de classe à classe.\r\nCette visualisation est un hybride entre un arbre (le dendrogramme) et une matrice (la matrice de distance).\r\n\r\nNous présentons un ensemble de techniques d'interaction associées à cette visualisation.\r\n", "year": 2013, "uri": "", "pages": "33-42", "bibtype": "unpublished", "id": 615, "abbr": "BDB13a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Rémy", "last_name": "Dautriche" }, "3": { "first_name": "Gilles", "last_name": "Bisson" } }, "date": "2013-01-29", "type": "Autres publications", "booktitle": "actes de l'atelier Visualisation d'information, interaction et fouille de données (GT-VIF)" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Improving Visualization of Large Hierarchical Clustering", "abstract": "The classical representation of a binary tree generated by a hierarchical clustering is a node-link-based visualization denoted as a dendrogram.\r\nIt allows users to explore in a simple way the clusters and the relationships between instances.\r\nHowever, exploration of large dendrograms is known to be difficult due to the graphical and cognitive information overload involved.\r\nHere, we discuss the current approaches and we introduce Stacked Trees, a new Focus+Context visualization technique that allows the exploration of the hierarchical clustering of up to fifty thousands nodes on a standard-sized screen.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Gilles", "last_name": "Bisson" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" } }, "year": 2012, "uri": "", "pages": "220-228", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 603, "abbr": "BB12b", "address": "Montpellier, France", "date": "2012-07-10", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV 2012)" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Pseudo-Weight: Making Tabletop Interaction with Virtual Objects More Tangible", "abstract": "In this paper we show that virtual objects manipulated on a tabletop interaction device can be augmented to provide the illusion they have a weight. This weight offers a supplemental channel to provide information about graphical objects without cluttering the visual display. To create such a pseudo-weight illusion on a passive device, the pressure applied with the fingers during the interaction has to be captured. We show that this pressure can be estimated without hardware modification on some touch sensitive tabletop setups (e.g., MERL's DiamondTouch).\r\n\r\nTwo controlled experiments show that pseudo-weight is perceived effectively. The first one demonstrates that users, without training and without previous knowledge of the system, can accurately rank virtual objects according to their pseudo-weights, provided they are sufficiently distinct. The second controlled experiment investigates more formally the relation between the pseudo-weight and the actual perception of the users.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Chantal", "last_name": "Keller" }, "2": { "first_name": "Jérémy ", "last_name": "Bluteau" }, "3": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "4": { "first_name": "Sabine", "last_name": "Coquillart" } }, "year": 2012, "uri": "", "pages": "201-204", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 617, "abbr": "KBB+12a", "address": "Cambridge, MA, USA", "date": "2012-11-11", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS 2012)" }, { "type_publi": "autre", "title": "La visualisation interactive d'information : une piste pour affronter la complexité des données d’identification par spectrométrie de masse ?", "url": "", "booktitle": "actes de l'atelier PROSPECTOM", "year": 2012, "uri": "", "id": 650, "bibtype": "unpublished", "abbr": "BB12c", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Christophe", "last_name": "Bruley" } }, "date": "2012-11-29", "type": "Autres publications", "pages": "1" }, { "lang": "en", "bibtype": "unpublished", "doi": "", "title": "Stacked Trees: a New Hybrid Visualization Method", "abstract": "In this paper, we introduce a new Focus+Context visualization technique, named “Stacked Trees”, allowing us to explore large dendrograms produced by hierarchical clustering.\r\nThis approach displays up to fifty thousands nodes on a standard sized screen.", "year": 2012, "uri": "", "pages": "709-712", "note": "Interactive poster", "id": 590, "abbr": "BB12a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Gilles", "last_name": "Bisson" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" } }, "date": "2012-05-21", "document": "", "type": "Autres publications", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2012)", "type_publi": "autre" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Benchmarking Pointing Techniques with Distractors: Adding a Density Factor to Fitts' Pointing Paradigm", "url": "", "abstract": "Fitts' pointing paradigm is widely used to conduct controlled experiments and to evaluate new interaction techniques enhancing target acquisition. Many of them change the behavior of the cursor according to various inputs, most notably the positions of potential targets.\r\n\r\nWe propose to extend Fitts' paradigm in order to challenge those techniques with distractors (i.e., potential targets which are not the goal of the user) in a controlled manner. To reduce variability, we add a single new factor to the paradigm, the distractor density. We specify a distractors distribution, fully determined by this factor together with those of Fitts' task, aimed at reducing bias toward a specific technique.\r\n\r\nWe also propose a preliminary extension of Fitts' law to take account of the sensitivity to the density of distractors as well as of the task difficulty. In an experiment, we compare five existing pointing techniques, and show that this extended protocol enables contrasted comparisons between them.\r\n", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Michael", "last_name": "Ortega" } }, "year": 2011, "uri": "", "pages": "1629-1638", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 558, "abbr": "BO11a", "address": "Vancouver, Canada", "date": "2011-05-09", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 29th international conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI 2011)" }, { "lang": "en", "publisher": "ACM", "doi": "", "title": "A Novel Taxonomy for Gestural Interaction Techniques Based on Accelerometers", "abstract": "A large variety of gestural interaction techniques based on accelerometers is now available.\r\nIn this article, we propose a new taxonomic space as a systematic structure for supporting the comparative analysis of these techniques as well as for designing new ones.\r\nAn interaction technique is plotted as a point in a space where the vertical axis denotes the semantic coverage of the techniques, and the horizontal axis expresses the physical actions users are engaged in, i.e. the lexicon.\r\nIn addition, syntactic modifiers are used to express the interpretation process of input tokens into semantics, as well as pragmatic modifiers to make explicit the level of indirection between users’ actions and system responses.\r\nTo demonstrate the coverage of the taxonomy, we have classified 25 interaction techniques based on accelerometers.\r\nThe analysis of the design space per se reveals directions for future research.\r\n", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Adriano", "last_name": "Scoditti" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Joëlle", "last_name": "Coutaz" } }, "year": 2011, "uri": "", "pages": "63-72", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 534, "abbr": "SBC11a", "address": "Palo Alto, California, USA", "date": "2011-02-18", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2011)", "type_publi": "icolcomlec" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Gesture-based design of 2D contours: an alternative to sketching?", "url": "", "abstract": "In addition to being a very expressive media, 2D sketches representing the contour of a shape are commonly used as a basis for 3D sketch-based modeling.\r\nThis paper investigates an alternative to the standard way of creating such sketches: instead of carefully following the contour with a pen and erasing or over-sketching, the user progressively shapes the contour from a simple input curve, only through intuitive deformation gestures.\r\nNo menus or sliders are used.\r\nThis is achieved by providing an automatic selection mechanism between a minimal set of deformation operators, inspired from Michael Leyton's perceptual theory of shapes.\r\nThe shape representation and the active operator parameters are kept transparent to the user.\r\nThis enables user to focus on the design and makes the system immediately usable by anybody.\r\nWe validate this new paradigm through a user study that includes a comparison with standard sketching.\r\n", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Thomas", "last_name": "Delamé" }, "2": { "first_name": "Jean-Claude", "last_name": "Léon" }, "3": { "first_name": "Marie-Paule", "last_name": "Cani" }, "4": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" } }, "year": 2011, "uri": "", "pages": "63-70", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 565, "abbr": "DLC+11a", "address": "Vancouver, Canada", "date": "2011-08-05", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the eighth Eurographics symposium on Sketch-Based Interface and Modeling (SBIM 2011)" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "colcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "TouchOver: Decoupling Positioning from Selection on Touch-based Handheld Devices", "abstract": "When compared to conventional desktop mouse input, touch input on handheld devices suffers from the lack of a main feature: that of a mouseover state that can provide users with dynamic pro-active information. In addition, with touch screens, selection precision is limited by undesired extra finger tracking during finger press and lift movements.\r\n\r\nWe propose TouchOver, a multi-modal input technique for touch-screen accelerometers-enabled handheld devices where positioning is performed with a finger on the touch surface, while selection is triggered by a gentle \"tilt forward\" of the device. By doing so, TouchOver adds a mouseover-like state and improves selection precision while remaining compatible with existing interaction techniques such as Shift devised to improve precision. Our formal user study shows a significant precision improvement over two other selection techniques as well as a good tradeoff between speed and accuracy.\r\n", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Adriano", "last_name": "Scoditti" }, "2": { "first_name": "Thomas", "last_name": "Vincent" }, "3": { "first_name": "Joëlle", "last_name": "Coutaz" }, "4": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "5": { "first_name": "Nadine", "last_name": "Mandran" } }, "year": 2011, "uri": "", "pages": "37-40", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 574, "abbr": "SVC+11a", "address": "Nice, France", "date": "2011-10-25", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Actes de la 23ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2011)" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "A novel taxonomy for gestural interaction techniques: considerations for automotive environments", "abstract": "A large variety of gestural interaction techniques is now available. In this article, we use a new taxonomic space as a comparative structure to analyze the applicability of these techniques on automotive environment. The taxonomy plots a gestural interaction technique as a point in a space where the vertical axis denotes the semantic coverage of the technique, and the horizontal axis expresses the physical actions users are engaged in. In addition, syntactic modifiers are used to express the interpretation process of input tokens into semantics, as well as pragmatic modifiers to make explicit the level of indirections between users actions and system responses. In the taxonomy, the complexity of the gestural interaction lexicon, and the syntactic/pragmatic modifiers it is decorated with, are indexes of the cognitive load users are engaged in during the interaction. The integration of modern mobile devices, complex user interfaces and gestural interaction techniques into automotive environment rise the necessity to analyze gestural interaction technique from their cognitive load point of view.", "address": "Palo-Alto, USA", "year": 2011, "uri": "", "id": 535, "bibtype": "unpublished", "abbr": "SBC11b", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Adriano", "last_name": "Scoditti" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Joëlle", "last_name": "Coutaz" } }, "date": "2011-02-13", "document": "", "type": "Autres publications", "booktitle": "International Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces for Automotive Applications (MIAA)" }, { "lang": "en", "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Rake Cursor: Improving Pointing Performance with Concurrent Input Channels", "url": "", "abstract": "We investigate the use of two concurrent input channels to perform a pointing task. The first channel is the traditional mouse input device whereas the second one is the gaze position. The rake cursor interaction technique combines a grid of cursors controlled by the mouse and the selection of the active cursor by the gaze.\r\n\r\nA controlled experiment shows that rake cursor pointing drastically outperforms mouse-only pointing and also significantly outperforms the state of the art of pointing techniques mixing gaze and mouse input. A theory explaining the improvement is proposed: the global difficulty of a task is split between those two channels, and the sub-tasks could partly be performed concurrently. ", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Michael", "last_name": "Ortega" } }, "year": 2009, "uri": "", "pages": "1415-1418", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "id": 445, "abbr": "BO09a", "address": "Boston, MA, USA", "date": "2009-01-16", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI 2009)" }, { "bibtype": "article", "publisher": "IEEE", "doi": "", "lang": "en", "uri": "", "title": "Browsing Zoomable Treemaps: Structure-Aware Multi-Scale Navigation Techniques", "url": "", "journal": "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of InfoVis 2007)", "year": 2007, "number": 6, "pages": "1248-1253", "volume": 13, "id": 31, "abbr": "BL07a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Éric", "last_name": "Lecolinet" } }, "date": "2007-01-01", "document": "", "type": "Revues internationales avec comité de lecture", "abstract": "Treemaps provide an interesting solution for representing hierarchical data. However, most studies have mainly focused on layout algorithms and paid limited attention to the interaction with treemaps. This makes it difficult to explore large data sets and to get access to details, especially to those related to the leaves of the trees.\r\n\r\nWe propose the notion of zoomable treemaps (ZTMs), an hybridization between treemaps and zoomable user interfaces that facilitates the navigation in large hierarchical data sets. By providing a consistent set of interaction techniques, ZTMs make it possible for users to browse through very large data sets (e.g., 700,000 nodes dispatched amongst 13 levels). These techniques use the structure of the displayed data to guide the interaction and provide a way to improve interactive navigation in treemaps.", "type_publi": "irevcomlec" }, { "type_publi": "colcomlec", "title": "Treemaps Zoomables : Techniques d'Interaction Multi-Échelles pour les Treemaps", "url": "", "booktitle": "Actes de la 19ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2007)", "year": 2007, "uri": "", "id": 46, "bibtype": "inproceedings", "abbr": "BL07b", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Éric", "last_name": "Lecolinet" } }, "date": "2007-01-01", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "pages": "131-138" }, { "publisher": "Université Paris-Sud XI", "type_publi": "rapport", "bibtype": "techreport", "title": "Fitts' Law in the Wild: A Field Study of Aimed Movements", "url": "", "year": 2007, "uri": "", "note": "Université Paris-Sud XI Technical Report 1480, 11 pages", "abbr": "CBB07a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Olivier", "last_name": "Chapuis" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Michel", "last_name": "Beaudouin-Lafon" } }, "date": "2007-12-01", "type": "Rapports internes non publiés par ailleurs, rapports de fin de contrat", "id": 480 }, { "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": " Programming Rich Interactions using the Hierarchical State Machine Toolkit", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2006)", "year": 2006, "uri": "", "id": 425, "bibtype": "inproceedings", "abbr": "BB06a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Michel", "last_name": "Beaudouin-Lafon" } }, "date": "2006-01-01", "document": "", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "pages": "51-58" }, { "bibtype": "article", "type_publi": "revcomlec", "title": "Concevoir des applications graphiques interactives distribuées avec INDIGO", "url": "", "journal": "Revue d'Interaction Homme-Machine (RIHM)", "year": 2006, "number": 2, "uri": "", "volume": 7, "id": 479, "abbr": "BBC+06b", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Michel", "last_name": "Beaudouin-Lafon" }, "3": { "first_name": "Stéphane", "last_name": "Conversy" }, "4": { "first_name": "Yannick", "last_name": "Jestin" }, "5": { "first_name": "Thomas", "last_name": "Baudel" }, "6": { "first_name": "Yun Peng", "last_name": "Zhao" } }, "date": "2006-01-01", "type": "Revues nationales avec comité de lecture", "pages": "113-140" }, { "bibtype": "unpublished", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "Navigation Techniques for Zoomable Treemaps", "url": "", "year": 2006, "uri": "", "id": 80, "note": "Reviewed demo in Conference Companion of UIST 2006.", "abbr": "BL06a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Éric", "last_name": "Lecolinet" } }, "date": "2006-01-01", "type": "Autres publications", "pages": "49-50" }, { "type_publi": "colcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "INDIGO : une architecture pour la conception d'applications graphiques interactives distribuées", "url": "", "booktitle": "Actes de la 17ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2005)", "year": 2005, "uri": "", "id": 426, "bibtype": "inproceedings", "abbr": "BBC+05a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Michel", "last_name": "Beaudouin-Lafon" }, "3": { "first_name": "Stéphane", "last_name": "Conversy" }, "4": { "first_name": "Yannick", "last_name": "Jestin" }, "5": { "first_name": "Thomas", "last_name": "Baudel" }, "6": { "first_name": "Yun Peng", "last_name": "Zhao" } }, "date": "2005-01-01", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "pages": "139-146" }, { "bibtype": "article", "type_publi": "revcomlec", "title": "Évolution du drag-and-drop : du modèle d'interaction classique aux surfaces multi-supports", "url": "", "journal": "Revue Information, Interaction, Intelligence", "year": 2005, "number": 2, "uri": "", "volume": 4, "id": 478, "abbr": "HCB05a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Mountaz", "last_name": "Hascoët" }, "2": { "first_name": "Maxime", "last_name": "Collomb" }, "3": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" } }, "date": "2005-01-01", "type": "Revues nationales avec comité de lecture", "pages": "9-38" }, { "type_publi": "these", "title": " Architecture logicielle et outils pour les interfaces hommes-machines graphiques avancées", "url": "", "year": 2005, "uri": "", "id": 427, "bibtype": "phdthesis", "abbr": "B05b", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" } }, "date": "2005-01-01", "document": "", "type": "Thèses et habilitations", "pages": "123" }, { "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Semantic Pointing: Improving Target Acquisition with Control-Display Ratio Adaptation", "url": "", "booktitle": "Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI 2004)", "year": 2004, "uri": "", "id": 429, "bibtype": "inproceedings", "abbr": "BGB04a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Yves", "last_name": "Guiard" }, "3": { "first_name": "Michel", "last_name": "Beaudouin-Lafon" } }, "date": "2004-01-01", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "pages": "519-526" }, { "type_publi": "icolcomlec", "title": "Object pointing: a complement to bitmap pointing in GUIs", "url": "", "booktitle": "Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI 2004)", "year": 2004, "uri": "", "id": 428, "bibtype": "inproceedings", "abbr": "GBB04a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Yves", "last_name": "Guiard" }, "2": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "3": { "first_name": "Michel", "last_name": "Beaudouin-Lafon" } }, "date": "2004-01-01", "type": "Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "pages": "9-16" }, { "type_publi": "colcomlec", "doi": "", "title": "Programmer l'interaction avec des machines à états hiérarchiques", "url": "", "booktitle": "Actes de la 14ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2002)", "year": 2002, "uri": "", "id": 430, "bibtype": "inproceedings", "abbr": "B02a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" } }, "date": "2002-01-01", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "pages": "129-136" }, { "publisher": "INRIA", "type_publi": "rapport", "bibtype": "techreport", "title": "Non-realistic haptic feedback for virtual sculpture.", "url": "", "year": 2001, "uri": "", "note": "INRIA Research Report 5090, 15 pages", "abbr": "BFC+01a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Renaud", "last_name": "Blanch" }, "2": { "first_name": "Éric", "last_name": "Ferley" }, "3": { "first_name": "Marie-Paule", "last_name": "Cani" }, "4": { "first_name": "Jean-Dominique", "last_name": "Gascuel" } }, "date": "2001-01-01", "type": "Rapports internes non publiés par ailleurs, rapports de fin de contrat", "id": 477 }]);