publications([{ "lang": "fr", "publisher": "Lavoisier", "doi": "", "uri": "", "title": "Planification flexible. Un besoin en intelligence ambiante. Un défi en planification automatique", "bibtype": "article", "journal": "Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle (RIA)", "year": 2015, "number": 1, "pages": "11-46", "volume": 29, "id": 720, "abbr": "MFC15a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Cyrille", "last_name": "Martin" }, "2": { "first_name": "Humbert", "last_name": "Fiorino" }, "3": { "first_name": "Gaëlle", "last_name": "Calvary" } }, "date": "2015-03-30", "type": "Revues nationales avec comité de lecture", "abstract": "In order to be used in Ambiant Intelligence, automated planning has to generate highlevel\r\naction plans involving control structures for execution controlers, which role is to play\r\nthese plans with respect to events perceived in the environment. In our approach of \"flexible\"\r\nplanning, environment non determinism is managed by plan control structures. In this paper,\r\nwe explore how to express and to generate high-level plans for deterministic planning problems\r\nby defining the operational and denotational semantics of new operators for plan composition.\r\nOur Lambda GraphPlan (LGP) planner incorporates into plans iterations representing nondeterministic\r\nchoices among a set of resources subject to the same abstract treatment. LGP is a planning-graph based algorithm that extracts patterns of actions whose scheduling is indifferent\r\nwith respect to goal reachability and aggregates them into iterative structures. We show\r\nthat LGP can be highly efficient when the solution plans incorporate iterative structures.", "type_publi": "revcomlec" }, { "lang": "fr", "type_publi": "these", "title": "Composition flexible par planification automatique", "url": "", "year": 2012, "uri": "", "id": 699, "bibtype": "phdthesis", "abbr": "M12a", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Cyrille", "last_name": "Martin" } }, "date": "2012-10-04", "type": "Thèses et habilitations", "pages": "238" }, { "lang": "fr", "bibtype": "inproceedings", "type_publi": "colcomlec", "title": "Flexibilité dans les plans pour une planification centrée humain", "abstract": "La flexibilité de l’interaction est une propriété fondamentale en interaction Homme-\r\nMachine. Elle est exacerbée en informatique ubiquitaire où l’utilisateur final devient le programmeur\r\nde son environnement : il convient dès lors de produire des plans partiellement\r\nrésolus. Les plans dits flexibles permettent de différer certains choix de conception à l’exécution.\r\nDans cet article, nous étudions des plans flexibles car permettant à l’utilisateur de\r\ndécider de l’ordre d’application d’un traitement spécifique (corps de boucle) à un ensemble\r\nd’objets (variants de boucle).\r\nNous proposons l’algorithme \u0015-graphplan fondé sur l’approche de planification de graphe.\r\n\u0015-graphplan n’a besoin d’aucune connaissance spécifique pour fournir des plans flexibles.\r\nEn relâchant des contraintes mutex dans le graphe de planification, \u0015-graphplan découvre\r\nles variants de boucle et construit des macro-actions constituant le corps des boucles. Nous\r\nmontrons que \u0015-graphplan est performant aussi bien avec des domaines “itératifs” que “linéaires”.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Cyrille", "last_name": "Martin" }, "2": { "first_name": "Humbert", "last_name": "Fiorino" }, "3": { "first_name": "Gaëlle", "last_name": "Calvary" } }, "year": 2011, "uri": "", "pages": "1500-1900", "note": "Juin 2011", "id": 560, "editor": "Bruno Zanuttini", "address": "Rouen, France", "date": "2011-06-02", "document": "", "type": "Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet", "booktitle": "Actes des Sixièmes Journées Francophones de Planification, Décision et Apprentissage pour la conduite de systèmes (JFPDA 2011)", "abbr": "MFC11a" }, { "lang": "en", "bibtype": "unpublished", "type_publi": "autre", "title": "Flexible Plans for Adaptation by End-Users", "abstract": "Ubiquitous computing promotes flexibility for the enduser.\r\nThis means that some design choices have to be shifted from design-time to run-time in order to involve the end-user into the decision process.\r\nIn this paper, we study flexible plans, i.e. plans that let the end-user arrange tasks planned by an automated process seeking to achieve his needs.\r\nMore precisely, we present an algorithm\u0015 -graphplan that lets the end-user to decide the order of specific treatments (loop body) execution to a set of objects (loop variants).\r\n\u0015-graphplan is based on graph planning structure.\r\nIts strength is that it does not require any problem dependent knowledge to compute flexible plans.\r\nBy relaxing mutex constraints in the planning graph, \u0015-graphplan discovers the loop variants and builds the\r\nmacro-actions that constitute the loop bodies.\r\nWe show that \u0015-graphplan is performant with “iterative” as well as with “linear” domains.", "authors": { "1": { "first_name": "Cyrille", "last_name": "Martin" }, "2": { "first_name": "Humbert", "last_name": "Fiorino" }, "3": { "first_name": "Gaëlle", "last_name": "Calvary" } }, "year": 2011, "uri": "", "note": "International Workshop on Generalized Planning, Conference , AAAI 2011, August 8th, 2011, San Francisco", "abbr": "MFC11b", "address": "San Francisco, USA", "date": "2011-06-02", "document": "", "type": "Autres publications", "id": 562 }]);