Jolle Coutaz, Prof. emeritus
- National Order of the Legion of Honour - 2013
- IFIP TC13 Pionneer Award - 2013
- SICHI Academy of the ACM - 2007
- Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science from the University of Glasgow (Honoris Causa) - 2007
Universit Grenoble Alpes Laboratory of
Informatics of Grenoble (LIG) Batiment IMAG, 700 av. centrale Domaine Universitaire F-38041 St-Martin-d'Heres France
Biography, Research
interests, Short CV (.pdf), Publications E-mail:
joelle.coutazatuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr |
Software aspects of Human Computer Interaction, Software architecture for interactive systems, User Interface (UI) development, Multimodal UI, Distributed UI, UI plasticity (UI adaptation to context of use, Model-Based UI development, End-User Programming/End-User Development, Ambient intelligence, Ubiquitous computing, Smart home.
have studied computer science at Universit Joseph
Fourier (UJF, Grenoble, France) where I obtained my doctorate in 1970 and Thse dEtat in 1988 in which I
set the foundations of software engineering for HCI. I am professor emeritus, formerly professor at UJF
from 1973 to Oct. 2012, and the founder in 1990, and head of the HCI research group until 2010
(Ingnierie de lInteraction
Homme-Machine) at laboratory LIG (Laboratory of
Informatics of Grenoble). I am the
author of the PAC
model (see also wikipedia), a conceptual software architecture model
for interactive systems (1987). In 2007, I received the honorary degree of
Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) from
the University of Glasgow and I have been elected to the SIGCHI Academy for leadership
in the profession in Computer Human Interaction. I have been involved in the
ACM CHI conference as paper and panel chair. I was vice chair of the IFIP
Working Group 2.7(13.2) (User Interface Engineering). In 2013, I was awarded the title of "IFIP TC13 Pioneer" in recognition of "outstanding contributions to the educational, theoretical, technical, commercial aspects of analysis, design, construction, evaluation and use of interactive systems". I am formerly a member of
the editorial board of Interacting
with Computer (Elsevier) and of the ACM Transactions On Computer Human
Interaction (TOCHI). In France, I am
the co-founder of two working groups on CSCW and Multimodal man-machine
interaction of the CNRS national programme. I am co-chief editor of JIPS (Journal of Interaction Person System).
I serve as expert for ANR (Agence
Nationale de Recherche) as
well as for the European Commission. I have been involved in the ESPRIT BRA/LTR
project AMODEUS (1989-1995) which was the first project in Europe to truly
promote a multidisciplinary approach to HCI. In 2008, I have coordinated a
working group on Ambient Intelligence for the French Ministry of Research
(MESR) to create a new trans-disciplinary field that brings together
Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) and Social and Human Sciences (SHS) to
address societal challenges in novel ways. I am deeply honored to be included in the HCI Pioneers website launched by Ben Shneiderman to draw attention to the trail blazers in HCI.
My core interests concern the software
aspects of HCI. I have been widely involved in multimodal interaction and
software architecture modeling for interactive systems. More recently, I have
investigated the concept of plasticity of user interfaces, user interfaces for mobile computing, the notion of
context of use, as well as the design and implementation of artifacts that
blend the physical and the virtual. I am investigating the problem of
End-User Software Engineering for smart homes within the general framework of ubiquitous
computing. My participation in European projects (IST FET GLOSS,
ITEA EMODE, ITEA UsiXML, Catrene AppsGate)
and National projects (ANR CONTINUUM, FUI Minalogic
as well as the Dagstuhl seminars on Ubiquitous Computing and
on End-User
Software Engineering illustrate these interests.
is at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
that, in 1982, I touched a mouse for the first time. I returned to CMU in 1983 as
a scientific visitor, and it is there that I developed the concept of UI mediator published in IEEE Computer
Sept. 1985 (Abstractions for User Interface Design), as well as a
constraint-based screen layout manager for the syntactic editor of the Gandalf
project (one of the very first software development environments, led by Nico Haberman). In France, at the
time, personal workstations did not exist, whereas CMU was equipped with Altos and Perqs. At CMU, I had the opportunity to chat with James
Gosling who was developing the window manager for the Andrew system. I
remember rich discussions about the pros and cons of overlapping VS tiled
windows. I used my own money to buy the first Mac and to attend CHI 83 in
Boston, just out of curiosity. CHI 83 changed my scientific orientation
completely. I returned to France in December 84 with my Apple Macintosh
(imagine: no disk drive and 128 Kbyte of main memory, but a very well-designed
toolkit!). It is then that I left behind my research in operating systems, and
started working on the software aspects of HCI (not knowing yet that HCI would
become a research area).
My belief: you need to do
what you feel is right, and not follow the path comfortably paved by mainstream
research areas.
Publications, Biography, Short CV (.pdf),
Research interests, A
bit of history
update: May 2017