Dominique Scapin's publications with EHCI [bibtex|json]
Book chapters
Envisioning Advanced User Interfaces for E-Government Applications: A Case Study
In Practical Studies in E-Government. Best Practices from Around the World.
Calvary, Serna, Coutaz, Scapin, Pontico, Winckler
International refereed conference papers
How Assessing Plasticity Design Choices Can Improve UI Quality: A Case Study
In Proceeding of the second ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2010).
Serna, Calvary, Scapin
National refereed conference papers
Penser “Plasticité” peut améliorer la Qualité des Interfaces Homme-Machine : une étude de cas
In Actes de la conférence Ergo'IA 2010.
Serna, Calvary, Scapin