Jullien Bouchet's publications [bibtex|json]
National refereed conference papers
Conception de l'Interaction Homme-Machine et Partage d'Autorité : Application aux Systèmes de Drones (2009)
In proc. IHM'09, 21ème Conférence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine.
Leal, Bouchet, Langlois, Jourde
Book chapters
Software Engineering for Multimodal Interactive Systems (2008)
In Multimodal user interfaces: from signals to interaction.
Nigay, Bouchet, Juras, Mansoux, Ortega, Serrano, Lawson
International refereed conference papers
Formal Testing of Multimodal Interactive Systems (2007)
In Engineering Interactive Systems (EIS'07).
Bouchet, Madani, Nigay, Oriat, Parissis
International refereed conference papers
The ICARE Component-Based Approach for Multimodal Input Interaction: Application to Real-Time Military Aircraft Cockpits (2005)
In HCI International, 3rd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Bouchet, Nigay, Ganille -
Test of the ICARE platform fusion mechanism (2005)
In 12th International Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems,LNCS.
Dupuy-Chessa, du Bousquet, Bouchet, Ledru -
Synchronous Testing of Multimodal Systems: an Operational Profile-Based Approach (2005)
In Conference Proceedings of ISSRE 2005, 16th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Chicago, Illinois, USA..
Madani, Oriat, Parissis, Bouchet, Nigay
Others publications
A Component-Based Approach: ICARE (2005)
In CHI05 Workshop: The Future of User Interface Design Tools, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Bouchet, Mansoux, Nigay -
Interaction Multimodale dans le Cockpit d'un Avion de Combat (2005)
In Actes des 2ème journée du Groupe Régional Rhône-Alpes de l'AAAF, Grenoble, France.
Nigay, Bouchet, Ganille
International refereed conference papers
ICARE: A Component-Based Approach for the Design and Development of Multimodal Interfaces (2004)
In Extended Abstracts of CHI'04.
Bouchet, Nigay -
ICARE Software Components for Rapidly Developing Multimodal Interfaces (2004)
In Proceedings of ICMI 2004, State College, Pennylvania, USA.
Bouchet, Nigay, Ganille -
In CADUI 04.
Renevier, Nigay, Bouchet, Pasqualetti
National refereed conference papers
ICARE : Approche à composants pour l'interaction multimodale (2004)
In Actes des Premières Journées Francophones : Mobilité et Ubiquité 2004.
Bouchet, Nigay