Andreas Pusch
Ancien membre (Post-doctorant, sept. 2011)
Publications récentes [toutes]
Object Deformation Illusion on a Tactilely Enhanced Large Tabletop Device (2012)
In Proceedings of the IEEE VR 2012 workshop on Perceptual Illusions in Virtual Environments (PIVE 2012).
Lefebvre, Pusch -
Pseudo-haptics: from the theoretical foundations to practical system design guidelines (2011)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2011).
Pusch, Lécuyer -
A Lightweight Augmented Virtuality System for Providing a Faithful and Spatially Manipulable Visual Hand Representation (2011)
In Studies in Health Technologies and Informatics, Journal of CyberTherapy and Rehabilitation 167.
Pusch, Martin, Coquillart (travail réalisé à INRIA Grenoble - Rhone-Alpes (i3D))