ActiveTcl User Guide |
Tcl Manual
Alphabetical indices · Keywords
General · Tcl Built-In
Commands · String Handling ·
List Handling · Math · Control Constructs
· Variables and Procedures · Input and Output · Packages and Source files · Interpreter Routines · Library Procedures · System
Related · Platform-specific
· Tcl C Procedures · Initialization · Utilities · Input and
Output · The Event Loop ·
Objects · Invoking
the Interpreter · Commands
· Variables · Operating System Interface
- General
- Tcl_DumpActiveMemory
- Validated memory allocation interface.
- Tcl_StandardChannels - How
the Tcl library deals with the standard channels
Compile-time flag to enable Tcl memory debugging.
- Tcl - Tool Command Language
- filename - File name
conventions supported by Tcl commands
- library - standard library of
Tcl procedures
- Safe Base - A mechanism for
creating and manipulating safe interpreters.
- tclsh - Simple shell containing
Tcl interpreter
- tcltest - Test harness support
code and utilities
- tclvars - Variables used by
- Tcl Built-In Commands
- String Handling
- append - Append to
- binary - Insert and extract
fields from binary strings
- format - Format a string in the
style of sprintf
- re_syntax - Syntax of Tcl
regular expressions.
- regexp - Match a regular
expression against a string
- regsub - Perform substitutions
based on regular expression pattern matching
- scan - Parse string using
conversion specifiers in the style of sscanf
- string - Manipulate
- subst - Perform backslash,
command, and variable substitutions
- List Handling
- concat - Join lists
- join - Create a string by joining
together list elements
- lappend - Append list elements
onto a variable
- lindex - Retrieve an element
from a list
- linsert - Insert elements into
a list
- list - Create a list
- llength - Count the number of
elements in a list
- lrange - Return one or more
adjacent elements from a list
- lreplace - Replace elements
in a list with new elements
- lsearch - See if a list
contains a particular element
- lset - Change an element in a
- lsort - Sort the elements of a
- split - Split a string into a
proper Tcl list
- Math
- expr - Evaluate an
- Control Constructs
- after - Execute a command after
a time delay
- break - Abort looping
- catch - Evaluate script and trap
exceptional returns
- continue - Skip to the next
iteration of a loop
- error - Generate an error
- eval - Evaluate a Tcl script
- for - ``For'' loop
- foreach - Iterate over all
elements in one or more lists
- if - Execute scripts
- return - Return from a
- switch - Evaluate one of
several scripts, depending on a given value
- update - Process pending events
and idle callbacks
- uplevel - Execute a script in
a different stack frame
- vwait - Process events until a
variable is written
- while - Execute script
repeatedly as long as a condition is met
- Variables and Procedures
- array - Manipulate array
- global - Access global
- incr - Increment the value of a
- namespace - create and
manipulate contexts for commands and variables
- proc - Create a Tcl
- rename - Rename or delete a
- set - Read and write
- trace - Monitor variable
accesses, command usages and command executions
- unset - Delete variables
- upvar - Create link to variable
in a different stack frame
- variable - create and
initialize a namespace variable
- Input and Output
- close - Close an open
- eof - Check for end of file
condition on channel
- fblocked - Test whether the
last input operation exhausted all available input
- fconfigure - Set and get
options on a channel
- fcopy - Copy data from one
channel to another.
- file - Manipulate file names and
- fileevent - Execute a script
when a channel becomes readable or writable
- flush - Flush buffered output
for a channel
- gets - Read a line from a
- open - Open a file-based or
command pipeline channel
- puts - Write to a channel
- read - Read from a channel
- seek - Change the access position
for an open channel
- socket - Open a TCP network
- tell - Return current access
position for an open channel
- Packages and Source files
- load - Load machine code and
initialize new commands.
- loadTk - Load Tk into a safe
- package - Facilities for
package loading and version control
- pkg::create - Construct an
appropriate \fBpackage ifneeded\fR
- pkg_mkIndex - Build an
index for automatic loading of packages
- source - Evaluate a file or
resource as a Tcl script
- Interpreter Routines
- bgerror - Command invoked to
process background errors
- history - Manipulate the
history list
- info - Return information about
the state of the Tcl interpreter
- interp - Create and manipulate
Tcl interpreters
- memory - Control Tcl memory
debugging capabilities.
- unknown - Handle attempts to
use non-existent commands
- Library Procedures
- encoding - Manipulate
- http - Client-side implementation
of the HTTP/1.0 protocol.
- msgcat - Tcl message
- System Related
- cd - Change working directory
- clock - Obtain and manipulate
- exec - Invoke subprocesses
- exit - End the application
- glob - Return names of files that
match patterns
- pid - Retrieve process
- pwd - Return the absolute path of
the current working directory
- time - Time the execution of a
- Platform-specific
- dde - Execute a Dynamic Data
Exchange command
- registry - Manipulate the
Windows registry
- resource - Manipulate
Macintosh resources
- Tcl C Procedures
- Initialization
- Tcl_AppInit - perform
application-specific initialization
- Tcl_CallWhenDeleted - Arrange
for callback when interpreter is deleted
- Tcl_CreateInterp - create
and delete Tcl command interpreters
- Tcl_CreateSlave - manage
multiple Tcl interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
- Tcl_Exit - end the application or
thread (and invoke exit handlers)
- Tcl_FindExecutable - identify
or return the name of the binary file containing the
- Tcl_GetVersion - get the
version of the library at runtime
- Tcl_Init - find and source
initialization script
- Tcl_InitStubs - initialize
the Tcl stubs mechanism
- Tcl_Interp - client-visible
fields of interpreter structures
- Tcl_PkgRequire - package
version control
- Tcl_SourceRCFile - source
the Tcl rc file
- Tcl_StaticPackage - make a
statically linked package available via the \fBload\fR command
- Tcl_Main - main program and
event loop definition for Tcl-based applications
- Utilities
- Tcl_Alloc - allocate or free
heap memory
- Tcl_SetAssocData -
- Tcl_Concat - concatenate a
collection of strings
- Tcl_DString - manipulate
dynamic strings
- Tcl_GetEncoding - procedures
for creating and using encodings.
- Tcl_GetIndexFromObj - lookup
string in table of keywords
- Tcl_GetInt - convert from
string to integer, double, or boolean
- Tcl_InitHashTable - procedures to
manage hash tables
- Tcl_Preserve - avoid freeing
storage while it's being used
- Tcl_PrintDouble - Convert
floating value to string
- Tcl_RegExpMatch - Pattern
matching with regular expressions
- Tcl_SplitList - manipulate
Tcl lists
- Tcl_SplitPath - manipulate
platform-dependent file paths
- Tcl_StringMatch - test
whether a string matches a pattern
- Tcl_UtfToUpper - routines for
manipulating the case of Unicode characters and UTF-8 strings.
- Tcl_UniCharIsAlpha -
routines for classification of Tcl_UniChar characters
- Utf - routines for manipulating
UTF-8 strings.
- Tcl_WrongNumArgs -
generate standard error message for wrong number of arguments
- Input and Output
- Tcl_StackChannel - stack an
I/O channel on top of another, and undo it
- Tcl_CreateChannel -
procedures for creating and manipulating channels
- Tcl_CreateChannelHandler -
call a procedure when a channel becomes readable or writable
- Tcl_CreateCloseHandler -
arrange for callbacks when channels are closed
- Tcl_CreateFileHandler -
associate procedure callbacks with files or devices (Unix
- Tcl_FSRegister - procedures
to interact with any filesystem
- Tcl_GetOpenFile - Get a
standard IO File * handle from a channel. (Unix only)
- Tcl_GetStdChannel -
procedures for retrieving and replacing the standard channels
- Tcl_OpenFileChannel -
buffered I/O facilities using channels
- Tcl_OpenTcpClient - procedures
to open channels using TCP sockets
- The Event Loop
- Tcl_AsyncCreate - handle
asynchronous events
- Tcl_CreateTimerHandler -
call a procedure at a
- Tcl_DoOneEvent - wait for
events and invoke event handlers
- Tcl_DoWhenIdle - invoke a
procedure when there are no pending events
- Notifier - the event queue
and notifier interfaces
- Tcl_Sleep - delay execution for
a given number of milliseconds
- Thread - Tcl thread
- Objects
- Tcl_BooleanObj - manipulate
Tcl objects as boolean values
- Tcl_ByteArrayObj -
manipulate Tcl objects as a arrays of bytes
- Tcl_DoubleObj - manipulate
Tcl objects as floating-point values
- Tcl_IntObj - manipulate Tcl
objects as integers and wide integers
- Tcl_ListObj - manipulate Tcl
objects as lists
- Tcl_NewObj - manipulate Tcl
- Tcl_RegisterObjType -
manipulate Tcl object types
- Tcl_StringObj - manipulate
Tcl objects as strings
- Invoking the Interpreter
- Tcl_AllowExceptions - allow
all exceptions in next script evaluation
- Tcl_Backslash - parse a
backslash sequence
- Tcl_CommandComplete - Check
for unmatched braces in a Tcl command
- Tcl_Eval - execute Tcl
- Tcl_ExprLong - evaluate an
- Tcl_ExprLongObj - evaluate
an expression
- Tcl_ParseCommand - parse Tcl
scripts and expressions
- Tcl_RecordAndEvalObj - save
command on history list before evaluating
- Tcl_RecordAndEval - save
command on history list before evaluating
- Tcl_SetRecursionLimit - set
maximum allowable nesting depth in interpreter
- Tcl_SubstObj - perform
substitutions on Tcl objects
- Commands
- Tcl_AddErrorInfo - record
information about errors
- Tcl_BackgroundError - report
Tcl error that occurred in background processing
- Tcl_CreateCommand -
implement new commands in C
- Tcl_CreateMathFunc -
Define, query and enumerate math functions for expressions
- Tcl_CreateObjCommand -
implement new commands in C
- Tcl_Panic - report fatal error
and abort
- Tcl_SaveResult - save and
restore an interpreter's result
- Tcl_SetErrno - manipulate
errno to store and retrieve error codes
- Tcl_SetResult - manipulate
Tcl result
- Variables
- Tcl_CreateTrace - arrange for
command execution to be traced
- Tcl_LinkVar - link Tcl
variable to C variable
- Tcl_SetVar - manipulate Tcl
- Tcl_TraceCommand - monitor
renames and deletes of a command
- Tcl_TraceVar - monitor
accesses to a variable
- Tcl_UpVar - link one variable to
- Operating System Interface
- Tcl_Access - check file
permissions and other attributes
- Tcl_DetachPids - manage
child processes in background
- Tcl_PutEnv - procedures to
manipulate the environment
- Tcl_GetCwd - manipulate the
current working directory
- Tcl_GetHostName - get the
name of the local host
- Tcl_GetTime - get date and
- Tcl_MacSetEventProc -
procedures to handle Macintosh resources and other Macintosh
- Tcl_SignalId - Convert signal
- Tcl_TranslateFileName -
convert file name to native form and replace tilde with home
Copyright © 1989-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
Copyright © 1990-1994 The Regents of the University of California
Copyright © 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans
Copyright © 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
Copyright © 1993-1997 Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies
Copyright © 1994 The Australian National University
Copyright © 1994-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright © 1997-2000 Ajuba Solutions.
Copyright © 1997-2000 Scriptics Corporation.
Copyright © 1998 Mark Harrison.
Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corporation
Copyright © 1998-1999 Scriptics Corportation
Copyright © 1995-1997 Roger E. Critchlow Jr.