Pervasive and ad-hoc Services


Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble - Year 2

Ubiquitous and Interactive Systems Option

Official website


Last updated September 11, 2013



CŽline Coutrix

Celine dot Coutrix at imag dot fr



CŽline Coutrix Researcher CNRS

Yann Laurillau Lecturer UPMF

Laurence Nigay Professor UJF

Franck Tarpin-Bernard Professor UJF



6 ECTS – 36 hours



This course is dedicated to the new generation of interactive technologies that are part of our everyday life: ubiquitous computing. In this booming domain, the need for methods and models for designing useful and useable interactive technologies is crucial. The aim of this course is to explore the aspects of design of this new generation of interactive technologies, to understand the challenges and to review the new interaction paradigms including multimodal interaction, augmented reality and collaborative interaction.


Outline and documents


(1) Introduction and perspectives on human-computer interaction in pervasive and adhoc environments.

(2) Pervasive multimodal systems (15 hours)

    1. Modalities and Multimodality : Definitions, challenges and design spaces
    2. Brain computing and Multimodal interaction

(3) Pervasive mixed reality systems (9 hours)

    1. Vocabulary & example interfaces
    2. Frameworks for designing mixed reality interfaces
    3. Prototyping tangible interfaces
    4. Practical work: Prototyping a tangible object with Arduino

(4) Pervasive collaborative systems (9 hours)

    1. CSCW Principles
    2. Building groupware applications:
      1. Social dimensions for the design of groupware
      2. Ergonomic design and evaluation of groupware
      3. Software design of groupware
    3. Pervasive groupware: interactive surfaces, multimodality, tangible & mobile interaction


Planning 2013-2014






September 23

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Multimodal systems

Laurence Nigay

September 30

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Multimodal systems

Laurence Nigay

October 7

Monday 9h45-12h45


Multimodal systems

Laurence Nigay

October 14

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Multimodal systems

Franck Tarpin-Bernard

October 21

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Multimodal systems

Franck Tarpin-Bernard

November 4

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Mixed reality systems

CŽline Coutrix

November 18

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Mixed reality systems

CŽline Coutrix

November 25

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Mixed reality systems

CŽline Coutrix

December 2

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Collaborative systems

Yann Laurillau

December 9

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Collaborative systems

Yann Laurillau

December 16

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Collaborative systems

Yann Laurillau

January 6

Monday 9h45-12h45

PLURIEL 134 (ex DET)

Oral exam

CŽline Coutrix

Week January 20 – January 24 2014

3 hours


Written exam



ADE calendar (Trainees>Groups>Masters>M2R MoSIG>option UIS)



Presentation of the EHCI (Engineering Human-Computer Interaction) team

Description of the internships proposed by EHCI



The exam consists of two parts on separate days.


1. Two-hour written exam

The written exam is worth 70% of the final grade.

The written exam covers literally every topic taught in the course.


2. Oral exam

The oral exam is worth 30% of the final grade.

Each student selects a paper in the list below. Two students cannot choose the same paper. Students agree together on the papers and email the teacher (Celine Coutrix) at the latest on Friday, November 25th.


List of papers for the oral exam




























The student will present the paper. The format of the presentation will be a 20 to 25 minutes presentation, followed by 5 to 10 minutes of questions and discussion. Some elements of the content of the presentation:

á    Give the context for the research, stating why it is interesting and relevant.

á    Identify the problem or challenge as it currently exists.

á    Give an overview of the contents of the entire paper.

á    Identify, describe, cite related work → You must do your own research about the related work.

á    Describe, analyze and evaluate the adopted approach to the problem.

á    State the key results

á    Relate the concepts with the course


Remark: if you use any information (figures, slides, reports, thesis, etc), found on the Web you must cite your sources.

The last slide of your presentation should include a list of references: list of papers, reports, thesis that you studied.

Support can be provided if needed by the teachers assigned to each paper (answer questions, provide with related articles in pdf format)