Laboratory of Informatics of Grenoble Équipe Ingénierie de l'Interaction Humain-Machine

Équipe Ingénierie de l'Interaction

Mobile Multimodal Interaction with a Bifocal View

Mobile Multimodal Interaction with a Bifocal View

On a mobile device, the intuitive Focus+Context layout of a detailed view (focus) and perspective/distorted panels on either side (context) is particularly suitable for maximizing the utilization of the limited available display area. Interacting with such a bifocal view requires both fast access to data in the context view and high precision interaction with data in the detailed focus view. We introduce combined modalities that solve this problem by combining the well-known flick-drag gesture-based precise modality with modalities for fast access to data in the context view. The modalities for fast access to data in the context view include direct touch in the context view as well as navigation based on drag gestures, on tilting the device, on side-pressure inputs or by spatially moving the device (dynamic peephole).


Sébastien Pelurson, Laurence Nigay
