François Bérard's Bio

Research and Work Experience

Research And Work Experience

Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
(Grenoble technological university)
Lecturer (Maître de conférence), January 2001-today.

At the School of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (ENSIMAG).


MIT Media Laboratory
Post-doctoral associate, Cambridge, Massachussetts, January-December 2000.

Host and group: Prof. Alex Pentland, Vision and Modeling Group.

Project: Involved in the "Facilitator Room" project. Design of a new "magicboard" on a table (movies available).

XEROX Palo Alto Research Center
Summer internship, Palo Alto, California, July-September 1997.

Host and group: Michael J. Black, Image Understanding Area.

Project: A perceptual browser.

MIT Media Laboratory
Visiting scientist, Cambridge, Massachussetts, July-September 1996.

Host and group: Prof. Alex Pentland, Vision and Modeling Group.

Project: With Nuria Oliver, implementation of a face tracker using a mobile camera and extracting user's mouth shape. Involved in the group's SmartSpaces demonstration at SIGGRAPH'96. Work published in CVPR'97.

Pierre Mendès France University
Grenoble, France.
Teaching Assistant, September 1995 - August 1998.
Part-time Lecturer (1 year position, "demi A.T.E.R."), September 1998 - August 1999.

Teaching department: Computer Science, Mathematics and Social Sciences.

Teaching topics:

  • Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Engeneering
  • Tcl/Tk
  • Continuous media programming
  • C++
  • Algorithmic

LIFIA Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Grenoble, France. Summer internship, July-August 1995.

Host and group: Prof. James L. Crowley, PRIMA Project.

Project: Implementation of a Sound Source Localizer using a Microphone Array.

Gerflor Chemical Research Labs
Pierrelatte, France. Freelance programmer, between 1992 and 1994 (6 months cumulative).

Project: Design and Implementation of a database for technical documentation management.

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PhD in Computer Science (1995-1999)
At Joseph Fourier University's LIG Laboratory (Grenoble, France), under Professor Joelle Coutaz advises, head of the Computer Human Interaction group; co-advised by Professor James L. Crowley, head of the PRIMA group.

Thesis title: Computer vision for tightly coupled human-computer interaction.

Military Service - 1994-1995

DEA in Computer Science (Master Degree, 1993-1994)
At Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble, France) and in the LIG Laboratory.

Main courses: Computer Vision, Human Computer Interaction, Mathematical Tools for Computer Science.

Thesis project: "Computer Vision for Augmented Reality". Study of two different finger-tracking techniques (correlation-based and snakes). Implementation of the FingerPaint system.

MST ESI (Computer Science & Operating Systems Degree, 1991-1993)
At Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble, France).

Main courses: Formal Tools for Computer Science, Systems and Networks, Computer Architecture.

Degree Project: A high-level language (LAX) compiler. From the LAX language high level specifications to MC68000 assembly code.

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last modification on September 27, 2003.