![]() Franck Tarpin-Bernard
Co-founder of SBT company a world-leader in brain training software. Member of AFIHM (Association Francophone de l'Interaction Homme-Machine) scientific Association |
My current works are at the junction of Human-Computer Interaction and e-learning. My main goals are to provide models, methods and tools for building, implementing and evaluating at lower costs applications that are adaptive and/or adaptable to multiple contexts of use. The high variety of interaction devices, users and environments implies to support multiple levels of adaptation. These works have generated first significant results concerning new classification and analysis tools, design and implementation processes, instrumentalization of models, specific adaptation algorithms, including ones relying on cognitive profile of users, but also methods to quantify and characterize adaptations.
I mainly apply my research to Serious Games field (interactive environments mixing advantages of e-learning and video games) where interaction plays a key role. Specifically, I am specialized in brain training software (stimulation, remediation and rehabilitation) for either mass-market applications or professionals.
Since 2009, I also work on Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). I experiment non invasive BCI with an interactional point of view (types of possible interactions, usability, cognitive overload, etc.) with OpenViBE framework or with SDK provided by headsets.
+50 scientific publications including 4 Book Chapters, 3 international journals, 5 national journals, 25 International Conferences with proceedings, 8 National Conferences with proceedings.
Doctoral students
2 PhD, 1 pending, 6 masters:
Halima Habieb-Mammar, PhD 2004, « EDPHA : un Environnement de Développement et de Présentation d'Hyperdocuments Adaptatifs »
After a Post-doc in Montreal (Concordia University), Halima is today Professor in Saudi University.Kinan Samaan, PhD 2006, « Prise en Compte du Modèle d’Interaction dans le Processus de Construction et d’Adaptation d’Applications Interactives ». Kinan Samaan leads a Private University in Syria.
Iza Marfisi-Schottman, PhD started in 2008, « Environnement de scénarisation et de test de serious games ».
The goal is to identify and define components for building « serious games », including generic models using model-based approach (scenario, interactivity, knowledge, etc.).
2010 : Projet National Serious Games, Project Building "SEGAREM" SErious GAmes et REalité Mixte, Partners : Symetrix, LIESP, Total Immersion. Duration : 36 month.
2009 : Projet National Serious Games, Project Building "MISIVIAS" MIse en SItuation VIrtuelle pour l'ASsessment, Project Leader, Partners : ARNAVA, SBT, Daesign. Duration : 18 mois.
2008 : Fonds européen FEDER, Project Co-Building "Learning Games Factory" : Partners : Symetrix, SBT, Daesign, Genezis, Les Tanukis, LIESP, LIG, Syscom, ESC Chambéry. Duration : 24 mois.
2004 : Ministère délégué à la Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, 2° Programme "Usages des nouvelles technologies pour la société" : Project Co-Building ADELA. ADministration ELectronique Accessible. Le projet ADELA a eu comme objectif de participer au développement d’une e-administration accessible en particulier aux personnes handicapées. Partners : Association BrailleNet – Laboratoire ICTT - Groupe SWORD. Duration : 12 mois.
2003 : Ministère délégué à la Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, Programme "Usages des nouvelles technologies pour la société" : Project Building MNESIS. Project Leader. Usages de l’outil Internet comme moyen d’intégration sociale et de stimulation cognitive dans une résidence de personnes âgées. Partners : ICTT, EMC (Lyon II), Medica France (Groupe résidence), SBT (PME). Duration : 18 mois.
2002 : Eurêka! European Project: Happyneuron. Project Leader. Création d’une plate-forme multi-supports d’exercices, jeux et tests dédiés à la stimulation des capacités cognitives des individus. Partners SBT, NeuroTV (Belgique). Duration 18 mois.
2000 : Regional Project for supporting SBT company creation. Duration : 12 mois.
Main courses at IUT :
- Human-Computer Interaction (since 2009, 2° year) : course
- Multimedia - Flash CS4/AS3.0 (since 2009, 2° year) : course, TD and TP
- Internet Network and Services (since 2009, 2° year) : course, TD and TP
- Programmation d'applications interactives (since 2009, Licence Pro SMIN) : course, TD and TP
Main past courses (at INSA de Lyon and Ecole Centrale de Lyon) :
- Human-Computer Interaction (1998-2009, 4° year INSA GI) : course and TD
- UML (2005-2009, 3 ème year INSA GI) : course et TD
- Technical Tutor of collaborative projects 4° year INSA GI (1998-2009, 2 groups of 8 to 10 students during 7 month => 100 h / year). Key words: Project Management, Multimedia Technologies (Flash, Director), Web…
- UML (International Master 2008) in English
- Groupware: Services and Usages (Research Master 2004-2005) course with Pr B. David
Co-founder of SBT and coinventor of Brain Training Software: HAPPYneuron
Member of the selection comitee of Lyons' company incubator CREALYS
Follow-up of several start-up throu Regonal programs (Woonoz, Oktobre, KizzTV)