Thomas Vincent
Ancien membre (Doctorant, sept. 2014)
Publications récentes [toutes]
Handheld Augmented Reality Interaction: Spatial Relations (2014)
Vincent -
Mixed Reality Navigation on a Tablet Computer for Supporting Machine Maintenance in Wide-area Indoor Environment (2014)
In Conference Proceedings of ICServ2014, the 2nd International Conference on Serviceology.
Makita, Vincent, Ebisuno, Kourogi, Ishikawa, Okuma, Yoshida, Nigay, Kurata -
Techniques de Pointage à Distance : Cibles Numériques et Cibles Physique (2014)
In UbiMob2014 : 10èmes journées francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité.
Coutrix, Delamare, Guillon, Kurata, Leitner, Nigay, Vincent
Precise Pointing Techniques for Handheld AR, oct. 2014
Techniques de pointage en réalité augmentée mobile -
Drawing on 3D Shapes with Automated Camera Control, mai 2014
Assiting drawing on 3D shapes over both occluded and back-facing areas with automated camera movements. -
Handheld AR/AV system, nov. 2012
Handheld AR/AV system using PDR localization and image based localization with virtualized reality models -
Handheld AR/AV indoor navigation and detailed info, oct. 2011
Navigation en intérieur vers des posters augmentés avec des widgets contextuels -
TouchOver, sept. 2011
Decoupling positioning from selection on touch-based handheld devices