gmlDocGenerator Class Reference

Detailed Description

A class to generate documentation for all of the GML Script Library.

Public Member Functions

run {destPath .} {showUndocumented 1} {showPrivate 0}

Generate documentation for all GML procedures and classes present in the auto_index.

destPath : relative path [.]
Directory where the documentation files should be output
showUndocumented : boolean [1]
Whether to output prototypes for undocumented objects
showPrivate : boolean [0]
Whether to output documentation for private members (those which name starts with an underscore).

Documentation for a procedure or method is the comment block that immediately precedes its prototype. One blank line is tolerated between the end of the comment block and the procedure or method declaration. Documentation for a class is the first comment block in the corresponding source file.

Comment blocks are post-processed as follows:

  • if a line starts with "copyright", skip the rest of the comment
  • strip lines ending with a double dash '--';
  • strip lines where the second character is not whitespace;
  • remove the hash-space or hash-tab prefix;
  • replace words enclosed in angle-brackets by words enclosed in double-backquotes (à la Restructured Text);
  • remove any common witespace prefix;
  • remove leading and trailing blank lines.