gmlFingerTracker Class Reference

Inherits from

Detailed Description

Track fingertips in a video stream.

Emits the following events (tm is always the current time in ns):

Detect x y ox oy r tm
a fingertip candidate has been detected at <x,y>, with orientation <ox,oy> and radius r.
Appear oid x y tm
a finger has appeared at <x,y>; oid is unique to this finger.
Motion oid x y tm
finger oid has moved to <x,y>
Dwell oid x y tm
finger oid was static at <x,y> for over the parameter dwell delay.
Disappear oid x y tm
finger oid has disappeared at <x,y>

Public Member Functions

constructor bgModel thresholder args



ask the tracker to reset its internal state

process currentFrame

process the current frame and generate appropriate events