gmlToplevel Class Reference

Inherits from

Inherited by

Detailed Description

A toplevel-like Tk widget that can be configured with options (instead of wm calls) and which size and position can be made persitent in a file.

Public Member Functions

constructor args

Initializes a gmlToplevel widget. It is


-title the title that appears in the toplevel title bar (if any).
-resizable a list of two boolean defining if the widget is resizable in X and Y
 a boolean defining the toplevel should have a title bar, border, etc...
-configFile patch to the file in which to load/save configuration parameters.
-savePosition true if the toplevel must load/save its position from the configuration file
-saveSize true if the toplevel must load/save its size from the configuration file


set the window dimensions from the config file


save the window dimensions to the config file


change the window geometry so it fills its current screen