![]() Home Page Toolkit Overview Using GML User Input Services Finger Tracker Calibrator Frame Grabber Service protocol Obtaining GML Installing GML Licence Developer Documentation Tcl/Tk API The GML Canvas Image processing Tcl Scripts Library List of Classes List of Files C/C++ API List of Classes List of Files |
gml_General.tcl File ReferencegmlFormatTable theList { addBorders 0 } Format the table theList so the columns are vertically aligned, and return a string to display. gmlDestroyObjects args Destroy multiple objects, reporting any errors as background errors if the caller is an object method. gmlInspectWidget widget Display the result of a call to configure on the Tk widget in table format. gmlDumpArrayDefinition arrayName { channel stdout } { colWidth 80 } Dumps the current state of the array named arrayName in the channel channel. The dump is a valid tcl script, so that when this script is sources, the current values of the array are restored. colWidth is the column width of the script (for formatting purpose only). gmlBiggestObjects {n 10} gmlLoad_TIFF_in_32bitRGBz bitmapName fileName Create a new bitmap named bitmapName and load the tiff file named fileName into it. If the tiff file does not contain a 32bit / pixel ARGB or XRGB bitmap, data will be converted to the approaching pixel format. #gmlTraceMethod { header "" } { channel stdout }
Tell args Print args to stdout, eventually prefixed by the class, method and object name if the caller is a method. gmlListAddUniqueItem listName item Appends the value in item to the list stored in the variable named listName. Create the list variable if necessary. Does nothing if item is already in the list. gmlListIsMember theList item Return true iff item is a member of theList. gmlObjectSize objName Return an estimation, in bytes, of the size of the object in memory. gmlConfigDirectory Return a directory suitable for storing user settings. gmlSwapVariables varname1 varname2 Exchanges the contents of two variables gmlListRemoveItem listName item Remove value item from the list stored in the variable named listName. Does nothing if item is not in the list, or the list doesn't exist. gmlGenerateOptionListMessage list {innerJoint {, }} {lastJoint {, or }} Returns a string describing the list of acceptable options in the form "option" if list has only one element, or "option1, option2, or option3" if list has more than one element. gmlDefaultConfigFileName Returns a default configuration file name for the current application. Loads the vision shared library in the tcl interpreter. If gmlRoot is not provided, the library is searched in the current directory. If gmlRoot is provided, the library is searched in the gmlRoot suffixed by /bin/{platform-prefix} gmlSUID Return a reasonably unique 32-bit integer, in hexadecimal notation. gmlLoad_TIFF_in_32bitARGBfromBottom bitmapName fileName Create a new bitmap named bitmapName and load the tiff file named fileName into it. If the tiff file does not contain a 32bit / pixel ARGB bitmap ordered from bottom line to top line in memory, then data will be converted this format. gmlWalkWidgets widget callback Traverse the widget hierarchy rooted in widget, calling callback for each visited widget. |
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