![]() Home Page Toolkit Overview Using GML User Input Services Finger Tracker Calibrator Frame Grabber Service protocol Obtaining GML Installing GML Licence Developer Documentation Tcl/Tk API The GML Canvas Image processing Tcl Scripts Library List of Classes List of Files C/C++ API List of Classes List of Files |
gml_Math.tcl File ReferencegmlPrintMatrix theList { rows 3 } { columns 3 } gmlClamp x a b Clamp x into the interval between a and b. gmlBilinearInterpol u v uMin vMin min ui1 vi1 i1 ui2 vi2 i2 uMax vMax max
gmlMax a b Return the maximum of a and b. gmlRunningAverage varname rate value Update a running average in varname, given a learn rate rate and a new measurement value gmlMin a b Return the minimum of a and b. gmlLinearInterpol v vMin min vMax max Return an estimate of f(v), given that f(vMin) = min and f(vMax) = max. It is assumed that vMin < vMax. |
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