gml_Object.tcl File Reference

method args

Used with arguments className methodName paramList body.

Create or modify a method named methodName in class className. The method will accept arguments in paramList (formatted like the second parameter of Tcl's proc command), and will execute body when called.

Class className will be created if necessary.

gmlObjNewClass className

gmlObjBuildClassList type entityName

gmlObjRenameEntity classOrObj oldName newName op

gmlObjFindMethod className methodName searchInBase resVarName


fully re-create the method dispatch cache

gmlObjDeleteObject objName { reportDestructorError 1 }

gmlObjMethodExists className methodName

gmlObjIsAncestor className ancestorName

gmlObject_delete args

this args

this methodName arg ?``arg``...?

Execute another method of the calling object. methodName can have the form A::m, with A one the superclasses of the current class (or possibly inherited``if there is only one superclass), and ``m is a method in the named superclass.

Only valid inside a method body.

gmlObjNewObject baseObj className objName args

constant name value

gmlObjObjectExists objName



gmlObjDeleteMethod className methodName

gmlObjClassExists className

gmlObjUpdateCache {className gmlObjRootClass} {inhMethods {}}

update the method dispatch cache for the class hierarchy rooted in className, given that parent classes define methods in inhMethods

inherit className superClassName

Make className inherit all the methods from superClassName. The class named superClassName must exist before the call, or must be prensent in the auto_array index. The class named className is created if it doesn't exist before the call.

If superClassName is already an ancestor of className, simply returns without complaining.

gmlObject_info args

gmlObjBuildMethodList className

gmlObject args

Inspect and modify defined objects and classes.


gmlObject delete class  className
gmlObject delete method className methodName
gmlObject delete object objectName
gmlObject info exists objectName
gmlObject info classes ?``objectOrClass``?
gmlObject info specializations className
gmlObject info objects (className | all)
gmlObject info methods (objectName | className)
gmlObject info body className methodName
gmlObject info args className methodName
gmlObject info arglist className methodName
gmlObject info class className
gmlObject info interface ?(objectName | className)?
gmlObject info classofobject objName

gmlObjObjectDispatch objName methodName args

gmlObjDeleteClass className