gml_TTrackedObject Class Reference#include <gml_TrackedObject.h>
Inherits gml_TPointFloat.
Collaboration diagram for gml_TTrackedObject:
[legend]List of all members.
Detailed Description
Representation of objects tracked in 2D by the gml_TTracker class.
Public Types |
enum | State { Born,
} |
| Internal tracking state of a tracked object. More...
Public Member Functions |
gml_TError | Init (gml_TPointFloat object, gml_TTrackingEventQueue *queue, UInt64 startDelay=sDefaultStartDelay(), UInt64 ttlDelay=sDefaultTTLDelay(), Float32 stability=sDefaultStaticStability()) |
| Setup tracked object data.
void | Dispose (UInt64 time) |
gml_TError | Update (bool detected, UInt64 gap, UInt64 time, gml_TPointFloat *object) |
| Update object's state and (eventually) generate events.
State | GetState () |
| Return the current state of the tracked object.
Static Public Member Functions |
static UInt64 | sDefaultStartDelay () |
| default for fStartDelay
static UInt64 | sDefaultTTLDelay () |
| default for fTTLDelay
static Float32 | sDefaultStaticStability () |
| default for fStaticStability
Static Public Attributes |
static gml_TError | sErrorBadState = (gml_TError)-1 |
Static Protected Member Functions |
static void | ClassInit () |
| class setup
Protected Attributes |
UInt32 | fIdentity |
| UID of the object.
UInt64 | fLifeTime |
| time since the object was born (relevant while in Born state)
UInt64 | fTimeToLive |
| remaining lifetime of the object (relevant while in Zombie state)
State | fState |
| current object state
UInt64 | fStartDelay |
| time after which a consistently detected object will be tracked (nanoseconds). < i.e. delay for the Born -> Alive transition
UInt64 | fTTLDelay |
| time after which an object will die if undetected (nanoseconds). < i.e. delay for the Zombie -> Dead transition
Float32 | fStaticStability |
| threshold under which object motion is discarded (pixels).
gml_TTrackingEventQueue * | fQueue |
Static Protected Attributes |
static bool | sModuleInited = false |
| was ClassInit() called ?
Member Enumeration Documentation
Internal tracking state of a tracked object.
Possible state transitions:
.-> Alive <--> Zombie -,
Born -| |-> Dead
'----------------------' - Enumerator:
Born |
the object was recently detected |
Alive |
the object was consistently detected and is tracked |
Zombie |
the object wasn't detected, and might be either gone or missed |
Dead |
the object is not to be tracked anymore |
Member Function Documentation
Setup tracked object data.
- Parameters:
queue |
where to push the events |
startDelay |
see fStartDelay |
ttlDelay |
see fTTLDelay |
stability |
see fStaticStability |
- Bug:
- possibly, need to test for errors here
Update object's state and (eventually) generate events.
- Parameters:
detected |
was the object detected ? |
gap |
since when (in nanoseconds) ? |
time |
the current timestamp (nanoseconds) |
object |
the current object position (or NULL) |
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